Τι μπορούμε να κάνουμε;
Στέλνουμε e-mail στην κυβέρνηση της Ταϋλάνδης για την άμεση και άνευ όρων απελευθέρωση του Χάρη Νιοκολαΐδη. Ακολουθεί δείγμα επιστολής που συνέταξε το
Mr.Abhisit Vejjajiva
Prime Minister
Government house,
Pitsanulok Road, Dusit District,
Bangkok 10300
Fax: +66 2 282 8631
Mr.Abhisit Vejjajiva
Prime Minister
Government house,
Pitsanulok Road, Dusit District,
Bangkok 10300
Fax: +66 2 282 8631
Royal Thai Embassy,
1024 Wisconsin Ave.,
N.W. Washington D.C. 20007
Fax. (202) 944-3611
Email: thai.wsn@thaiembdc.org
Mr.Abhisit Vejjajiva
Prime Minister
Government house,
Pitsanulok Road, Dusit District,
Bangkok 10300
Fax: +66 2 282 8631
Mr.Abhisit Vejjajiva
Prime Minister
Government house,
Pitsanulok Road, Dusit District,
Bangkok 10300
Fax: +66 2 282 8631
Royal Thai Embassy,
1024 Wisconsin Ave.,
N.W. Washington D.C. 20007
Fax. (202) 944-3611
Email: thai.wsn@thaiembdc.org
Your Excellency:
I am writing to express my grave concern over the imprisonment of Harry Nicolaides, a teacher and writer who has been imprisoned solely for exercising his right to freedom of expression and his rights to offer opinions in writing. I urge you to bring about his immediate and unconditional release from prison.
The right to freedom of expression is protected under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which Thailand has signed. Harry Nicolaides’s imprisonment appears to be a violation of both of these legal instruments. The pervasive system of censorship in Thailand contradicts the guarantees of freedom of expression that are embodied in international law. I am alarmed that authorities continue to use laws to detain journalists, dissidents and others engaged in the peaceful exercise of their right to free expression.
The Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA) considers Harry Nicolaides an ethnic Greek prisoner of conscience. Many Hellenes or ethnic Greeks in America and around the world, are distressed at seeing one of our brothers imprisoned simply for exercising his rights to freedom of expression. I respectfully call upon you to bring about his immediate and unconditional release from prison. I urge you to amend or repeal laws or regulations that can be used to persecute individuals who exercise their right to freedom of expression.
(Your Name)
(Your Address)
I am writing to express my grave concern over the imprisonment of Harry Nicolaides, a teacher and writer who has been imprisoned solely for exercising his right to freedom of expression and his rights to offer opinions in writing. I urge you to bring about his immediate and unconditional release from prison.
The right to freedom of expression is protected under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which Thailand has signed. Harry Nicolaides’s imprisonment appears to be a violation of both of these legal instruments. The pervasive system of censorship in Thailand contradicts the guarantees of freedom of expression that are embodied in international law. I am alarmed that authorities continue to use laws to detain journalists, dissidents and others engaged in the peaceful exercise of their right to free expression.
The Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA) considers Harry Nicolaides an ethnic Greek prisoner of conscience. Many Hellenes or ethnic Greeks in America and around the world, are distressed at seeing one of our brothers imprisoned simply for exercising his rights to freedom of expression. I respectfully call upon you to bring about his immediate and unconditional release from prison. I urge you to amend or repeal laws or regulations that can be used to persecute individuals who exercise their right to freedom of expression.
(Your Name)
(Your Address)
1 σχόλιο:
Μην πάτε να γράψετε για «δικαιώματα ελευθερίας στην έκφραση» και παρόμοιες μαλακίες στην ταϊλανδική κυβέρνηση, διότι τότε είναι που δεν θα τον αφήσουν με τίποτα ελεύθερο. Και προπαντός, μην απαιτείτε! Δεν πιάνουν αυτά εκεί πέρα, διότι ο Νικολαΐδης ζούσε στην Ταϊλάνδη και όφειλε να γνωρίζει τι πάει να πει προσβολή του βασιλέως ή της οικογένειάς του.
Το μόνο που μπορείτε να κάνετε είναι να παρακαλέσετε τον ίδιο τον βασιλιά για χάρη. Προσέξτε, μην γράφοντας πράγματα αψυχολόγητα, φέρετε το αντίθετο αποτέλεσμα και κάψετε τον άνθρωπο.
Αυτός που συνέταξε την επιστολή φαίνεται ότι είναι εντελώς άσχετος με την νοοτροπία των Ταϊλανδών.
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