Σκύλος διαδηλωτής, αδέσποτος στους δρόμους της Αθήνας
Ο Κανέλλος ζει στις καρδιές όλων μας. Μπορεί να πέθανε αλλά ένας άξιος συνεχιστής του αγώνα του παρουσιάζεται με την ίδια ακριβώς μορφή σε κάθε διαδήλωση που γίνεται τα δύο τελευταία χρόνια στην Αθήνα.
Η παρουσία του αποτελεί

Διεθνή μέσα ενημέρωσης ασχολήθηκαν μαζί του από την New York Post έως την U.K.'s Guardian.
'Riot Dog' of Greece is canine protester, never misses a rebellion (Photos, Video) May 8,2010 Pet News Examiner Helena Sung

He is being called the Greek Riot Dog, Rebel Dog or Protest Dog: the golden-brown mutt with the long, curled tail that's been photographed at street rebellions standing with protesters wearing gas masks and hoods as they clash with police in Athens, Greece.
A "Riot-Dog" Facebook page (with over 9,000 fans) and blogs have been erected in the dog's honor. The canine's rebellious exploits have

But the true identity of the dog remains a mystery. Based upon the blue collar he wears, the dog appears to be a stray who has been vaccinated by volunteers and given the collar to wear (blue for male dogs, red for female dogs, reports The Globe and Mail).
Is he Kanellos, a strikingly

Is the dog named Loukanikos, or “Louk"? Maybe.
Or perhaps he is Theodorus, according to the New York Post, the dog that's been spotted living in Syntagma Square, the site of much of the recent protests against the Greek government's new economic "austerity" measures.

Watch a music video tribute to Riot Dog.
πηγή http://www.examiner.com/x-1028-Pet-News-Examiner~y2010m5d8-Riot-Dog-of-Greece-is-canine-protestor-never-misses-a-rebellion-Photos-Video
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