Οι ψαράδες τα ονομάζουν «Ιταλούς», επειδή ήρθαν στην Ελλάδα από τον κόλπο του Μεξικού, μέσω της Ιταλίας
όπως φαίνεται στις φωτογραφίες αγωνίζονται να ξεφύγουν και στην προσπάθειά τους αυτή, σπάζουν τα πόδια και τις δαγκάνες τους -τα σπασμένα πόδια είναι λύση για να ακινητοποιούνται στη λεκάνη-΄
στο ερώτημα εάν υποφέρουν, πονούν και αγωνιούν υπάρχει πλήθος απαντήσεων και απόψεων.

δεν υπάρχουν επιστημονικές αποδείξεις για τη δυνατότητα των καρκινοειδών να αισθάνονται πόνο, εμείς απλά το "γνωρίζουμε"

I would say make use your own ability to observe. An animal generally does not thrash around desperately trying to escape - to the point of self injury - if they are comfortable
Lobsters and Crabs Used for Food Many people have seen crabs scurrying along the sand and taking cover in their well-kept burrows, but these animals are still largely a mystery to even the most dedicated beach bums. Marine biologists who study crabs are working to shed light on the fascinating lives of these crafty crustaceans.
Crabs have well-developed senses of sight, smell, and taste, and research indicates that they have the ability to sense pain. They have two main nerve centers, one in the front and one to the rear, and—like all animals who have nerves and an array of other senses—they feel and react to pain.
Like lobsters, crabs are often thrown into pots of scalding-hot water and boiled alive. The crabs will fight so hard against a clearly painful death that their claws often break off in their struggle to escape. Some crabs used for food are electrocuted, some are chopped up, and others are microwaved—all while they are still conscious. http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-food/lobsters-crabs.aspx
27-3-2009 Crabs Sense and Remember Pain. Duh.
a recent study by Queen's University is making headlines by declaring (once and for all, we hope) that crabs and other crustaceans experience pain and react to it in a way that anyone can relate to. They quickly get away from what's causing the pain and then try to avoid it in the future.

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