φημίζονται οι περιοχές
μεγάλη φήμη έχει το
πηγή http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/picture_gallery/05/africa_togo0s_voodoo_market/html/2.stm
για επιτυχία στο ποδόσφαιρο, γενικά στον αθλητισμό
Goalkeeper charm "This is the hand of a chimpanzee. "We use it to prepare something to help the goalkeeper in football. "We get the left hand of a monkey, a gorilla's hand and then with different herbs we prepare a powder to put on the goalkeeper's body. This makes him very fast. "If you want to run a marathon then we use the head, heart and four legs of a horse."
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