Πέμπτη 20 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Το ελληνικό γιαούρτι κατακτά την Αμερική

Μέρα που διάλεξα να σας στείλω αυτό το κείμενο – ενώ η Ελλάδα βράζει! Αλλά σήμερα έτυχε! Το ελληνικό γιαούρτι έχει κατακτήσει τη Βορειο-αμερικάνικη αγορά – φτιαγμένο από τις εδώ ελληνικές επιχειρήσεις. Στον Καναδά δεν υπάρχει κανένας που να μην ξέρει το γιαούρτι “Astro”.

Πάντως είναι ακριβό – περίπου το διπλάσιο από τα άλλα, ήτοι ακατάλληλο για «γιαουρτώματα» !--- για να ξαναγυρίσω στη σημερινή μέρα – 19 Οκτ. 2011.

Καλή επιτυχία – στις διαδηλώσεις σας εννοώ!

Χ. Μαγγούτας

Τορόντο Καναδά

Greek Yogurt Vs. Regular Yogurt:
Which Is More Healthful?

Move over, regular yogurt. Going Greek is in, and this exotic option has elbowed its way onto refrigerator shelves everywhere. Most give a big thumbs up to its taste—tangier and less sweet, as well as creamier—but is it healthier than its conventional counterpart?

First, to be clear: Both Greek and regular yogurt, in their plain, nonfat or low-fat forms, can be part of a healthful diet. They're low in calories and packed with calcium and live bacterial cultures. But our Mediterranean friend—which is strained extensively to remove much of the liquid whey, lactose, and sugar, giving it its thick consistency—does have an undeniable edge. In roughly the same amount of calories, it can pack up to double the protein, while cutting sugar content by half. Those are "two things dietitians love," says Dawn Jackson Blatner, a registered dietitian and author of The Flexitarian Diet. "For someone who wants the creamier texture, a little bit of a protein edge, and a sugar decrease, going Greek is definitely not all hype." And it's really got a following: In the past five years, Greek yogurt sales nationwide have skyrocketed, likely because it satisfies consumers' needs for health, convenience, and taste, according to Nielsen, a global marketing and advertising research company.

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