Ο κος Ευαγγελος Ρηγος ομογενης μας ειδοποιησε για το επερχομενο «7ο συνεδριο Μακεδονικων Σπουδων»που θα λαβη χωρα στο Πανεπιστημιο UTAH AT SALT LAKE, στις 5 Νοεμβριου 2009.
Στο μηνυμα του μας εξηγει ότι ματαξυ των ομιλητων α θα είναι η καθηγητρια Emilija Crvenkovska τοθ Παμεπιστημιου των Σκοπιων και ο καθηγητης Loring Danforth γνωστοι και διακεκριμενοι ανθελληνες που εχουν συγγραψει πληθος αναθεωρητικων βιβλιων που διαστρεφουν την ιστορικη αληθεια και που κτιζουν την απατη του ψευδοκρατους των Σκοπιων ως «κληρονομου¨ των Μακεδονων και του Μεγαλου Αλεξανδρου.
Επειδη στο θεμα της Ελληνικοτητος της Μακεδονιας πιστευουμε ότι δεν υπαρχει άλλη αποψις παραθετουμε την διευθυνσι του προεδρου του Πανεπιστημιου κου Michael K. Young και ζητουμε από ολους να σταλη μηνυμα διαμαρτυριας κατά της οργανωσεως αυτου του ψευτοσυνεδριου που σκοπο εχει την παραχαραξι της Ιστοριας.
Write to:
President Michael K. Young
University of Utah
201 Presidents Circle Room 201
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Telephone: 801- 581-5701
Fax: 801-581-6892
E-mail: president@utah.edu
Write to:
President Michael K. Young
University of Utah
201 Presidents Circle Room 201
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Telephone: 801- 581-5701
Fax: 801-581-6892
E-mail: president@utah.edu
Παρακαλω αν θελετε στειλτε αντιγραφο και στην διευθυνσι των ομογενων που μεθοδευουν την κινητιποιησι κατά του ανθελληνικου συνεδριου
E-mail: action@hec.greece.org
E-mail: action@hec.greece.org
Πληροφοριες που μπορουμε να επισυναψουμε:
1,Οι Αμερικανοί επεσήμαναν το 1944 την επιδίωξη να εμφανισθεί «Μακεδονικό» κρατίδιο, «Μακεδονική» εθνότητα και «Μακεδονική» συνείδηση του πληθυσμού του, με γραπτό μάλιστα κείμενο (U.S. State Department, Foreign Relations Vol. VIII, 868.014 / 26 Dec. 1944), που υπογράφει ο Αμερικανός Υπουργός Εξωτερικών Stettinius και στοιχειοθετεί τον κίνδυνο κατά της Ελλάδος. Θεωρεί μάλιστα κάθε Κυβέρνηση που ανέχεται ή ενθαρρύνει «Μακεδονικές» ενέργειες κατά της Ελλάδος συνυπεύθυνη και χαρακτηριστικά αναφέρει:
«The Department has noted increasing propaganda rumors and semi-official statements in favor of an autonomous Macedonia, emanating principally from Bulgaria, but also from YugoslavPartisan and other sources, with the implication that Greek territory would be included in the projected state. This Government (of USA) considers talk of Macedonian "nation", Macedonian "Fatherland", or Macedonian "national consciousness" to be unjustified demagoguery representing no ethnic, nor political reality, and sees in its present revival a possible cloak for aggressive intentions against Greece.
Πληροφοριες που μπορουμε να επισυναψουμε:
1,Οι Αμερικανοί επεσήμαναν το 1944 την επιδίωξη να εμφανισθεί «Μακεδονικό» κρατίδιο, «Μακεδονική» εθνότητα και «Μακεδονική» συνείδηση του πληθυσμού του, με γραπτό μάλιστα κείμενο (U.S. State Department, Foreign Relations Vol. VIII, 868.014 / 26 Dec. 1944), που υπογράφει ο Αμερικανός Υπουργός Εξωτερικών Stettinius και στοιχειοθετεί τον κίνδυνο κατά της Ελλάδος. Θεωρεί μάλιστα κάθε Κυβέρνηση που ανέχεται ή ενθαρρύνει «Μακεδονικές» ενέργειες κατά της Ελλάδος συνυπεύθυνη και χαρακτηριστικά αναφέρει:
«The Department has noted increasing propaganda rumors and semi-official statements in favor of an autonomous Macedonia, emanating principally from Bulgaria, but also from YugoslavPartisan and other sources, with the implication that Greek territory would be included in the projected state. This Government (of USA) considers talk of Macedonian "nation", Macedonian "Fatherland", or Macedonian "national consciousness" to be unjustified demagoguery representing no ethnic, nor political reality, and sees in its present revival a possible cloak for aggressive intentions against Greece.
The approved policy of this Government is to oppose any revival of the Macedonian issue as related to Greece. The Greek section of Macedonia is largely inhabited by Greeks, and the Greek people are almost unanimously opposed to the creation of a Macedonian state. Allegations of serious Greek participation in any such agitation can be assumed to be false. This Government (of USA) would regard as responsible any Government or group of Gonernments tolerating or encouraging menacing or aggressive acts of "Macedonian forces" against Greece».
Το κείμενο μεταφρασμένο λέει τα ακόλουθα:
«Το Αμερικανικό Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών έχει επισημάνει αύξουσα προπαγάνδα και ημιεπίσημες δηλώσεις περί Αυτόνομης Μακεδονίας κυρίως από την Βουλγαρική πλευρά, αλλά και από Γιουγκοσλάβους Παρτιζάνους καθώς και άλλες πηγές, συμπεριλαμβάνοντας και Ελληνικό έδαφος στο σχεδιαζόμενο Κρατίδιο. Η Κυβέρνησή μας θεωρεί κάθε συζήτηση περί Μακεδονικού «Έθνους», Μακεδονικής «Πατρίδας», ή Μακεδονικής «εθνικής συνειδήσεως» ως αδικαιολόγητη δημαγωγία, χωρίς εθνική ή πολιτική υπόσταση, και στην παρούσα επαναφορά του μοιάζει πιθανή πρόφαση για επιθετικές βλέψεις εναντίον της Ελλάδος.
Το κείμενο μεταφρασμένο λέει τα ακόλουθα:
«Το Αμερικανικό Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών έχει επισημάνει αύξουσα προπαγάνδα και ημιεπίσημες δηλώσεις περί Αυτόνομης Μακεδονίας κυρίως από την Βουλγαρική πλευρά, αλλά και από Γιουγκοσλάβους Παρτιζάνους καθώς και άλλες πηγές, συμπεριλαμβάνοντας και Ελληνικό έδαφος στο σχεδιαζόμενο Κρατίδιο. Η Κυβέρνησή μας θεωρεί κάθε συζήτηση περί Μακεδονικού «Έθνους», Μακεδονικής «Πατρίδας», ή Μακεδονικής «εθνικής συνειδήσεως» ως αδικαιολόγητη δημαγωγία, χωρίς εθνική ή πολιτική υπόσταση, και στην παρούσα επαναφορά του μοιάζει πιθανή πρόφαση για επιθετικές βλέψεις εναντίον της Ελλάδος.
Η εγκεκριμένη πολιτική της Κυβερνήσεώς μας είναι να αντιτάσσεται σε κάθε αναβίωση του Μακεδονικού που εμπλέκει την Ελλάδα. Η Ελληνική περιοχή της Μακεδονίας κατοικείται κατά μεγάλο μέρος από Έλληνες, οι Έλληνες δε αυτοί δεν έχουν καμία πρόθεση (αυτονομήσεως) και αντιτάσσονται στην δημιουργία Μακεδονικού Κρατιδίου. Ο ισχυρισμός για σοβαρή συμμετοχή Ελλήνων σε μια τέτοια ανακίνηση θεωρείται ψευδής. Η Κυβέρνησή μας θα θεωρήσει υπεύθυνη κάθε Κυβέρνηση ή ομάδες Κρατών που ανέχονται ή ενθαρρύνουν απειλές ή επιθετικές ενέργειες «Μακεδονικών δυνάμεων» εναντίον της Ελλάδος».
2. Την επιστολη του διακεκριμενου Καθηγητη, Stephen G. Miller, που μας διδασκει την Ιστορια μας μεσα από τα αρχαια ελληνικα κειμενα, είναι αξιοσημειωτο μολονοτι εσταλη στην τοτε Υπουργο εξωτερικων κα Μπακογιαννη αλλα και στον αλλοτε ΄Λαλιστατο» κον Σαμαραν ( επι υπουργιας του στο υπουργειο πολιτισμου) εκεινοι δεν εδωσαν καμμια δημοσιοτητα ουτε χρησιμοποιησαν τα επιχειρηματα αυτά του διακεκριμενου Αμερικανου καθηγητου που αποδεικνυει τα οσα περι Ελληνικης Μακεδονιας αναφερει.
Μεταφρασι της επιστολης του κου Καθηγητη, Stephen G. Miller
«Ο κος Mr. Brunwasser (κατοικος Βουλγαριας), εν τουτοις συνεχιζει και δηλωνει με προφανη διαθεσι χαλκευσεως, ότι «Οι Ελληνες αξιωνουν τον Μακεδονα Μεγα Αλεξανδρο, ως Ελληνα..»
Αυτή η θεσις με σαστιζει.Τι σημαινει εδώ οι Ελληνες «αξιωνουν»!!
Ο προπαππους του Μεγαλου αλαξανδρου ο Αλεξανδρος ο πρωτος, ηταν Ελληνας που συμετειχε στους Ολυμπιακους αγωνες στην Ολυμπια και με τα λογια του πατερα της Ιστοριας «Τυγχανει να γνωριζω ότι οι προγονοι του πατερα του Αλεξανδρου ησαν Ελληνες ( Ηροδοτος 5.22).Ο πατερας του Μεγαλου Αλεξανδρου ο Φιλιππος, νικησε στους ιππικους αγωνες στην Ολυμπια και στους Δελφους( Πλουταρχος Αλεξανδρος 4.9) στα πλεον ιερα-αδυταυς των Αρχαιων, οπου μονον Ελληνες επιτρεπετο να συμμετεχουν.Εάν ο Φιλιππος ηταν Ελλην ο γιος του δεν επισης Ελλην?
Όταν ο Ευριππιδης – ο οποιος θανων εταφη στην Μακεδονια ( ιδε Θουκιδιδου apud Pal. Anth. 7.45, Παυσανια 1.2.2 Διοδωρο Σικελιωτη) εγραψε το εργο του «Αρχελαος» προς τιμην του μεγαλου-θειου του Μεγαλου Αλεξανδρου, μηπως το εγραψε στην σλαβικη? Όταν εγραψε τις Βακχες, ενώ ζουσε στη αυλη του Αρχελαου δεν το εγραψε στην Ελληνικη όπως ακριβως εχει διασωθει σημερα σε μας? Ή μηπως θα επρεπε να φαντασθουμε ότι ο Ευριπιδης ηταν ενας «Μακεδων» που εγραφε στα σλαβικα ( μια εποχη οπου αυτή η γλωσα δεν υπηρχε-δεν ειχε αξκριβωθει η υπαρξι της, και μετεφρασθη τοτε στα Ελληνικα)
Ποια ήταν η γλωσα που διδαξε ο Αριστοτελης τον Αλεξανδρο? Ποια γλωσσα μετεφερε διεδωσε ο Μεγας Αλεξανδρος στην εκστρατεια του στην Ανατολη?
Γιατι εχουμε αρχαιες επιγραφες στην Ελληνικη σε όλα τα μνημεια που εγκατεστησε ο Μεγας Αλεξανδρος, τοσο μακρυα οσο το Αφγανισταν και δεν είναι στα σλαβικα ? Γιατι τα Ελληνικα εγινα η επισημη γλωσα στην Αυτοκρατορια του μεγαλου Αλεξανδρου, εάν ηταν πραγματικως ενας «Μακεδων»? Γιατι ακομη και η Καινη Διαθηκη είναι γραμμενη στα Ελληνικα και όχι στα Σλαβικα ?»
Επειδη στο ελευθερο διαδικτυο καταγραφονται ολες οι αποψεις και πολυ περισσοτερο η Αληθεια που αποκρυπτουν οι στρατευμενοι «ιστορικοι και εκαπαιδευτικοι»των Μεσων Εξαχρειωσεως-εξαπατησεως Μαζων θεωρησα υποχρεωσι μου να επαναφερω το ανωτερω κειμενο με αυτουσεις τις πηγες , δηλαδη τα αρχαια κειμενα( ιδε κατωτερω) , προκειμενου η Α-ληθεια να λαμψη και το φως της να αποκαλυπτη την διαστροφη την απατη το ψευδος αλλα και την προδοσια, που εποχειρειται απο ημεδαπους και αλλοδαπους Ανθελληνες.
Παραρτηματα για τους φιλιστορες
Α) Η επιστολη του καθηγητη κου Stephen G. Miller
β) Τα αρχαια κειμενα στα οποια αναφερεται ο Κο Μιλλερ
β1.) Herodotus Hist. : Historiae : Book 5, section 22, line 10
Ελληνας δε ειναι τουτους τους απο Περδικκεω γεγονοτας, κατα περ αυτοι λεγουσι, αυτος τε ουτω τυγχανω επισταμενος και δη και εν τοισι οπισθε λογοισι αποδεξω ως εισι Ελληνες, προς δε και οι τον εν Ὀλυμπιη διεποντες αγωνα Ελληνοδικαι ουτω εγνωσαν ειναι. Αλεξανδρου γαρ αεθλευειν ελομενου και καταβαντος επ αυτο τουτο οι αντιθευσομενοι Ελληνων εξειργον μιν, φαμενοι ου βαρβαρων αγωνιστεων ειναι τον αγωνα αλλα ΕλλΗνων. Αλεξανδρος δε επειδη απεδεξε ως ειη ΑργεΙος, ἐκριθη τε ειναι Ελλην και αγωνιζομενος σταδιον συνεξεπιπτε τω πρωτῳ
Ελληνας δε ειναι τουτους τους απο Περδικκεω γεγονοτας, κατα περ αυτοι λεγουσι, αυτος τε ουτω τυγχανω επισταμενος και δη και εν τοισι οπισθε λογοισι αποδεξω ως εισι Ελληνες, προς δε και οι τον εν Ὀλυμπιη διεποντες αγωνα Ελληνοδικαι ουτω εγνωσαν ειναι. Αλεξανδρου γαρ αεθλευειν ελομενου και καταβαντος επ αυτο τουτο οι αντιθευσομενοι Ελληνων εξειργον μιν, φαμενοι ου βαρβαρων αγωνιστεων ειναι τον αγωνα αλλα ΕλλΗνων. Αλεξανδρος δε επειδη απεδεξε ως ειη ΑργεΙος, ἐκριθη τε ειναι Ελλην και αγωνιζομενος σταδιον συνεξεπιπτε τω πρωτῳ
β2) Plutarchus Biogr. et Phil. : Alexander : Chapter 4, section 10, line 1
ουτε γαρ απο παντος ουτε πασαν ηγαπα δοξαν, ως Φιλιππος λογου τε δεινοτητι σοφιστικως καλλωπιζομενος, καὶ τας εν Ολυμπιᾳ νικας των αρματων εγχαραττων τοις νομισμασιν,
ουτε γαρ απο παντος ουτε πασαν ηγαπα δοξαν, ως Φιλιππος λογου τε δεινοτητι σοφιστικως καλλωπιζομενος, καὶ τας εν Ολυμπιᾳ νικας των αρματων εγχαραττων τοις νομισμασιν,
β3) Pausanias Perieg. : Graeciae descriptio : Book 1, chapter 2, section 2, line 8
τεθαπται δε Ευριπιδης εν Μακεδονιᾳ παρα τον βασιλεα ελθων Αρχελαον, Ο δε οι του θανατου τροπος—πολλοις γαρ εστιν ειρημενος—εχετω καθα λεγουσιν.
β4) Diodorus Siculus Hist. : Bibliotheca historica (lib. 1-20) : Book 13, chapter 103, section 5, line 1
τεθαπται δε Ευριπιδης εν Μακεδονιᾳ παρα τον βασιλεα ελθων Αρχελαον, Ο δε οι του θανατου τροπος—πολλοις γαρ εστιν ειρημενος—εχετω καθα λεγουσιν.
β4) Diodorus Siculus Hist. : Bibliotheca historica (lib. 1-20) : Book 13, chapter 103, section 5, line 1
Απολλοδωρος δ ο την χρονικην συνταξιν πραγματευσαμενος φησι και τον Ευριπιδην κατα τον αυτον ενιαυτον τελευτησαι· τινες δε λεγουσι παρ Αρχελαῳ τω βασιλει Μακεδονων κατα την χωραν εξελθοντα κυσι περιπεσειν και διασπασθηναι μικρω προσθεν τουτων των χρονων.
Β4) Thucydides Hist. : Epigramma : Book 7, epigram 45, line 2
Μναμα μεν Ελλας απασ Ευριπιδου, οστέα δ ισχει γη Μακεδων, ηπερ δεξατο τερμα βιου. πατρι δ' Ελλαδος Ελλάς, Αθηναι· πλειστα δε Μουσαις τερψας εκ πολλων και τον επαινον εχει
Μναμα μεν Ελλας απασ Ευριπιδου, οστέα δ ισχει γη Μακεδων, ηπερ δεξατο τερμα βιου. πατρι δ' Ελλαδος Ελλάς, Αθηναι· πλειστα δε Μουσαις τερψας εκ πολλων και τον επαινον εχει
Μια σπάνια συλλογή από κείμενα σύγχρονων Ιστορικών που αναφέρονται στην Ελληνικότητα των Αρχαίων Μακεδόνων.
* Bury & Meiggs (1985) “A History of Greece”
page 415
“The Macedonian people and their kings were of Greek stock,
as their traditions and the scanty remains of their language combine
to testify.”
as their traditions and the scanty remains of their language combine
to testify.”
* H. Bengston (1988) “A History of Greece: from the beginnings to the Byzantine era” page 186.
Bengston makes the following statement pertaining to the origins of the Macedonians:
“They should be included in the group of North-West Greek tribes”
On the same page he also states that :
the majority of modern historians have correctly argued for
the Hellenic origin of the Macedonians.
* N.G.L Hammond (1986) “A History of Greece to 332 B.C.”
page 651.
“Greece and Macedon were akin in blood and culture.”
On the same page he also states that :
the majority of modern historians have correctly argued for
the Hellenic origin of the Macedonians.
* N.G.L Hammond (1986) “A History of Greece to 332 B.C.”
page 651.
“Greece and Macedon were akin in blood and culture.”
* N.G.L Hammond (1992) “The Miracle that was Macedonia”
page 206.
Hammond states:
“As members of the Greek race and speakers of the Greek language,
the Macedonians shared in the ability to initiate
ideas and create political forms.”
page 206.
Hammond states:
“As members of the Greek race and speakers of the Greek language,
the Macedonians shared in the ability to initiate
ideas and create political forms.”
* M. Opperman (1996) “The Oxford Classical Dictionary 3rd ed.- Macedonia,Cults”
page 905.
In this prestigious source Opperman states:
“Nowadays historians generally agree that the Macedonians ethnos
form part of the Greek ethnos; hence they also shared in the common religious
and cultural features of the Hellenic world“
page 905.
In this prestigious source Opperman states:
“Nowadays historians generally agree that the Macedonians ethnos
form part of the Greek ethnos; hence they also shared in the common religious
and cultural features of the Hellenic world“
* U. Wilcken (1967) “Alexander the Great”
page 22
Wilcken states:
“And yet when we take into account the political conditions,
religion and morals of the
Macedonians our conviction is strengthened that
They were a Greek race and akin to the Dorians“
page 22
Wilcken states:
“And yet when we take into account the political conditions,
religion and morals of the
Macedonians our conviction is strengthened that
They were a Greek race and akin to the Dorians“
* R. Malcolm Errington, (1993) ‘A History of Macedonia’,University of California Press, February ,
page 7
Prof. Errington states:
“Macedonian horsemen together with those of their Thessalian neighbours were later regarded
as the best in GREECE”
page 7
Prof. Errington states:
“Macedonian horsemen together with those of their Thessalian neighbours were later regarded
as the best in GREECE”
* Robin Lane Fox, ‘Alexander the Great’,
page 104
Robin Lane Fox explains how ancient Macedonians were viewed:
“To his ancestors (to a Persian’s ancestors) Macedonians were only known
as ‘yona takabara’, the ‘Greeks who wear shields on their heads’, an allusion to their broad-brimmed hats”
page 104
Robin Lane Fox explains how ancient Macedonians were viewed:
“To his ancestors (to a Persian’s ancestors) Macedonians were only known
as ‘yona takabara’, the ‘Greeks who wear shields on their heads’, an allusion to their broad-brimmed hats”
* Richard Stoneman, ‘Alexander the Great’,
page 14
Richard Stoneman writes:
“In favour of the Greek identity of the Macedonians is what
we know of their language: the place-names,
names of the months and many of the personal names,
especially royal names, which are Greek in roots and form.
’ This suggests that they did not merely use Greek as a lingua
franca, but spoke it as natives (though with a local accent
which turned Philip into Bilip, for example).
page 14
Richard Stoneman writes:
“In favour of the Greek identity of the Macedonians is what
we know of their language: the place-names,
names of the months and many of the personal names,
especially royal names, which are Greek in roots and form.
’ This suggests that they did not merely use Greek as a lingua
franca, but spoke it as natives (though with a local accent
which turned Philip into Bilip, for example).
* Eugene.N.Borza (1990) “On the Shadows of Olympus”, Princeton: Princeton University Press,
page 84
Eugene Borza states:
“The macedonians themselves may have originated from the
same population pool that produced other Greek peoples.
page 84
Eugene Borza states:
“The macedonians themselves may have originated from the
same population pool that produced other Greek peoples.
* Ernst Badian (1982) “Studies in the history of art Vol 10: Macedonia and Greece in Late Classical and Early Hellenistic Times”
“We have now become accustomed to regarding Macedonians
as northern Greeks’ and, in extreme cases, to hearing
conquests described as in essence Greek Conquests. The former
CERTAINLY became TRUE, in Greek consciousness in the course of the Hellenistic age.
“We have now become accustomed to regarding Macedonians
as northern Greeks’ and, in extreme cases, to hearing
conquests described as in essence Greek Conquests. The former
CERTAINLY became TRUE, in Greek consciousness in the course of the Hellenistic age.
* Charles Edson, ‘Ancient Macedonian Studies in honor of Charles F. Edson’
“Important West Greek elements remained in the Pindos. These are
those whom Herodotus called ‘Makednon ethnos”
“Important West Greek elements remained in the Pindos. These are
those whom Herodotus called ‘Makednon ethnos”
* Richard Billows ‘Antigonus the One-Eyed’
pages 18-20
“The Macedonians, then, were probably a Greek people (though certainly
with an admixture of Illyrians and Thracians) akin in language and culture
to their neighbors to the south and west, the Thessalians and Epeirots”
* Jonathan M. Hall (1998) “Ethnic identity in Greek antiquity” Cambridge University Press
That the origin of this new population should be the supposed
Dorian of northwest Greece seemed to be
confirmed by the early appearance of cist graves
at Kalbaki in Epeiros, Kozani, Vergina and Khaukhitsa in Makedonia.“
pages 18-20
“The Macedonians, then, were probably a Greek people (though certainly
with an admixture of Illyrians and Thracians) akin in language and culture
to their neighbors to the south and west, the Thessalians and Epeirots”
* Jonathan M. Hall (1998) “Ethnic identity in Greek antiquity” Cambridge University Press
That the origin of this new population should be the supposed
Dorian of northwest Greece seemed to be
confirmed by the early appearance of cist graves
at Kalbaki in Epeiros, Kozani, Vergina and Khaukhitsa in Makedonia.“
* Robin Osborne (2004) Greek History Book, Routledge,
page 127
”Although Macedonians were accepted as Greek, after some discussion, <>
* M. C. Howatson (1989) The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature Book by Oxford University Press,
page 339
”Thus the kings were of largely Dorian Greek stock, they presumably spoke a form of Dorian Greek and their cultural tradition had Greek features. Whether or not the Macedonian people spoke a Greek dialect or a foreign tongue is still a matter of debate, but such evidence as exists suggests that they spoke a distinctive dialect of Greek, perhaps related to Aeolic”
*Anthony E. David ‘A Biographical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt’
After Alexander the Great conquered Egypt in 332 BC, the country was ruled by a line of Macedonian Greeks who descended from *Alexander’s general, Ptolemy
page 339
”Thus the kings were of largely Dorian Greek stock, they presumably spoke a form of Dorian Greek and their cultural tradition had Greek features. Whether or not the Macedonian people spoke a Greek dialect or a foreign tongue is still a matter of debate, but such evidence as exists suggests that they spoke a distinctive dialect of Greek, perhaps related to Aeolic”
*Anthony E. David ‘A Biographical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt’
After Alexander the Great conquered Egypt in 332 BC, the country was ruled by a line of Macedonian Greeks who descended from *Alexander’s general, Ptolemy
* George Cawkwell (1978) “Philip of Macedon,” Fellow of the University College, Oxford,
pp. 22-3,
The Macedonians were Greeks. Their language was Greek, to judge by their personal names and by the names of the months of the calendar;
pp. 22-3,
The Macedonians were Greeks. Their language was Greek, to judge by their personal names and by the names of the months of the calendar;
* David G. Hogarth, “Philip and Alexander of Macedon”
Page 8
The king [of macedon] was chief in the first instance of a race of plain-dwellers, who held themselves to be, like him, of Hellenic stock
Page 80
It [Macedonia] was inhabited by sturdy gentry and peasantry and by agile highlanders, all composed of the same racial elements as the Greeks
* Walter M. Ellis (1994) Ptolemy of Egypt
Page X
I fear that I have not been wholly consistent in my use of the term “Macedonian.” For the record, let me state that I believe Macedonians, ancient and modern, are Greeks
Page X
I fear that I have not been wholly consistent in my use of the term “Macedonian.” For the record, let me state that I believe Macedonians, ancient and modern, are Greeks
* Eric Carlton (1992) Occupation: The Policies and Practices of Military Conquerors
Page 55
Scholars are now more or less agreed that they were one group of many Dorian tribes that had made their way into Greece from the Balkans in successive waves probably from as early as the eleventh century BC
Page 55
Scholars are now more or less agreed that they were one group of many Dorian tribes that had made their way into Greece from the Balkans in successive waves probably from as early as the eleventh century BC
* Alan Fildes , Alexander the Great, son of the gods,
page 12
Although the Macedonians spoke a Greek dialect, worshipped Greek gods and traced their nation’s origins from Olympian gods, their customes and northern Doric accent were markedly different from those of the people of the rest of Greece, who saw the Macedonia as a largely insignificant, backward monarchy
page 12
Although the Macedonians spoke a Greek dialect, worshipped Greek gods and traced their nation’s origins from Olympian gods, their customes and northern Doric accent were markedly different from those of the people of the rest of Greece, who saw the Macedonia as a largely insignificant, backward monarchy
* Theodor Mommsen, (1909) The Provinces of the Roman Empire, vol.1, translated by W. P. Dickson, from the 1909 edition (Chicago, Ares Publishers , 1974),
While the Macedonians proper on the lower course of the Haliacmon (Vistritza) and the Axius (Vardar), as far as the Strymon, were an ORIGINALLY Greek stock,
While the Macedonians proper on the lower course of the Haliacmon (Vistritza) and the Axius (Vardar), as far as the Strymon, were an ORIGINALLY Greek stock,
* David Sacks (1995) “A Dictionary of the Ancient Greek World”, Oxford University
“Historians refer to this enlarged Greek society as the Hellenistic world. At the start of his reign, the 20 year old Alexander was the crowned king only of Macedon- a crude Greek nation northeast of mainland Greece-…. His mother Olympias, came from the ruling clan of the northwestern Greek region called Epirus…“
“Historians refer to this enlarged Greek society as the Hellenistic world. At the start of his reign, the 20 year old Alexander was the crowned king only of Macedon- a crude Greek nation northeast of mainland Greece-…. His mother Olympias, came from the ruling clan of the northwestern Greek region called Epirus…“
* Martin Sicker (2000) ‘The Pre-Islamic Middle East’
page 102,
Moreover, he was a Macedonian, from the backwater of the Greek world
page 102,
Moreover, he was a Macedonian, from the backwater of the Greek world
* L.S. Stavrianos “The Balkans since 1453″,
page 19,
Recent philological and archaeological research indicates that the ancient Macedonians were in fact Greeks
page 19,
Recent philological and archaeological research indicates that the ancient Macedonians were in fact Greeks
* Peter G Tsouras ,“Alexander: Invincible King of Macedonia” ,
page 3,
The macedonians were Greek in language and blood
page 3,
The macedonians were Greek in language and blood
* Philip Hughes ‘A History of the Church Volume 1′
page 4
The Macedonians, though the language they spoke was undoubtedly a Greek dialect, and though they were probably Greeks by blood
page 4
The Macedonians, though the language they spoke was undoubtedly a Greek dialect, and though they were probably Greeks by blood
* R. M. Cook (1962), “The Greeks until Alexander”,
page. 23
Macedonia and Epirus were the buffers of Greece in Europe..
page. 23
Macedonia and Epirus were the buffers of Greece in Europe..
* Hermann Bengtson, ‘History of Greece’University of Ottawa Press, 1988.
pgs 185-186.
So the majority of modern historians, admittedly with the noteworthy exception of Julius Kaerst , have argued CORRECTLY for the Hellenic origin of the Macedonians. They should be included in the group of the North-West Greek tribes .
pgs 185-186.
So the majority of modern historians, admittedly with the noteworthy exception of Julius Kaerst , have argued CORRECTLY for the Hellenic origin of the Macedonians. They should be included in the group of the North-West Greek tribes .
* Mortimer Chambers (1997) “The Western Experience”,
page 79,
Macedonia (or Macedon) was an ancient, somewhat backward kingdom in northern Greece. Its emergence as a Hellenic (Greek) power was due to a resourceful king, Philip II (359-336)
page 79,
Macedonia (or Macedon) was an ancient, somewhat backward kingdom in northern Greece. Its emergence as a Hellenic (Greek) power was due to a resourceful king, Philip II (359-336)
* Jacob Abbott , Alexander the Great
Now Alexander was born the heir to the throne of one of the Grecian kingdoms. He possessed, in a very remarkable degree, the energy, and enterprise, and military skill so characteristic of the Greeks and Romans.
Now Alexander was born the heir to the throne of one of the Grecian kingdoms. He possessed, in a very remarkable degree, the energy, and enterprise, and military skill so characteristic of the Greeks and Romans.
* John V.A. Fine (1983) ‘The Ancient Greeks: A Critical History’ Harvard University Press,
pgs 605-608
Modern scholarship, after many generations of argument, now almost unanimously recognises them as Greeks, a branch of the Dorians and ‘NorthWest Greeks’ who, after long residence in the north Pindus region, migrated eastwards
pgs 605-608
Modern scholarship, after many generations of argument, now almost unanimously recognises them as Greeks, a branch of the Dorians and ‘NorthWest Greeks’ who, after long residence in the north Pindus region, migrated eastwards
* Rene Guerdan (1969), French Historian
The Macedonians are and have always been Greeks, and the creation of a “Socialist Republic of Macedonia” with Skopje as capital is only a sad farce.
The Macedonians are and have always been Greeks, and the creation of a “Socialist Republic of Macedonia” with Skopje as capital is only a sad farce.
* David H. Levinson, Encyclopaedia of World Cultures
Page 239
It should be noted that there is no connection between the Macedonians of the time of Alexander the great who were related to other Hellenic tribes and the Macedonians of today, who are of Slavic Origin and related to the Bulgarians.
Page 239
It should be noted that there is no connection between the Macedonians of the time of Alexander the great who were related to other Hellenic tribes and the Macedonians of today, who are of Slavic Origin and related to the Bulgarians.
* Bim Sherman (1930)’The Century’
Page 527
“And yet the Hindus of the Punjab were simply old-fashioned Hindus, as the
Macedonians were old-fashioned Greeks. ”
* Katheryn A. Bard, Encyclopaedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt
Page 460
“The Macedonians were originally one of several Greek tribes living on the northern frontier of the Hellenic world
Page 460
“The Macedonians were originally one of several Greek tribes living on the northern frontier of the Hellenic world
* Ernest Barker “The European Inheritance”
The Macedonians were backward Greeks, with a good deal of Illyrian and other
admixture, a rustic dialect, and a native pantheon
The Macedonians were backward Greeks, with a good deal of Illyrian and other
admixture, a rustic dialect, and a native pantheon
* Archaeological Institute of America (1948)
The Macedonians were Greeks in contradistinction to Barbarians, but they lived
on the periphery of the Greek world, far removed in space and spirit from the rest of Greeks.
The Macedonians were Greeks in contradistinction to Barbarians, but they lived
on the periphery of the Greek world, far removed in space and spirit from the rest of Greeks.
* Benjamin I. Wheeler, Alexander the Great: The Merging of East and West in Universal History –
That the Macedonians were Greek by race there can be no longer any doubt.
They were the northernmost fragments of the race left stranded behind the barriers..”
* Norman Karol Gottwald “The Politics of Ancient Israel”
Although the Macedonians were Greek in language and culture, they were not primary carriers of Greek political democracy.
That the Macedonians were Greek by race there can be no longer any doubt.
They were the northernmost fragments of the race left stranded behind the barriers..”
* Norman Karol Gottwald “The Politics of Ancient Israel”
Although the Macedonians were Greek in language and culture, they were not primary carriers of Greek political democracy.
* Nigel Guy Wilson (2006) Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece
“The latest archaeological findings have confirmed that Macedonia took it’s name from a tribe of tall , Greek-speaking people , the Makednoi ...”
* Mark Grossman “Biographical Dictionary of World Military Leaders”
“When Alexander was just a child, his father was making Macedon (Now Macedonia in northern Greece) into one of the Greatest Greek city-states, as well as the dominant power in the Balkans.”
“When Alexander was just a child, his father was making Macedon (Now Macedonia in northern Greece) into one of the Greatest Greek city-states, as well as the dominant power in the Balkans.”
* Rober Morkot, The Penguin Historical Atlas of ancient Greece.
Page 70
in the northwest, the peoples of Molossis, Orestis and Lynkestis spoke west Greek and although they absorbed other groups into their territory, they were essentially “Greeks”. The main difference between Macedonia and the city states of the south was that it was ruled by a king and powerful nobility.
Page 70
in the northwest, the peoples of Molossis, Orestis and Lynkestis spoke west Greek and although they absorbed other groups into their territory, they were essentially “Greeks”. The main difference between Macedonia and the city states of the south was that it was ruled by a king and powerful nobility.
* J.J. Pollitt Art and Experience in Classical Greece
The Macedonians were ethnically related to the Greeks and spoke a dialect of Greek, but their loose feudal kingdom the northern border of the Greek world had always been regarded as culturally backward.
The Macedonians were ethnically related to the Greeks and spoke a dialect of Greek, but their loose feudal kingdom the northern border of the Greek world had always been regarded as culturally backward.
* Eric Carlton “Occupation – The policies and practices of Military Conquerors”
Page 55
Scholars are now more or less agreed that they were one group of many Dorian tribes that had made their way into Greece from the Balkans in successive waves probably from as early as the eleventh century BC.
Page 55
Scholars are now more or less agreed that they were one group of many Dorian tribes that had made their way into Greece from the Balkans in successive waves probably from as early as the eleventh century BC.
* J.R. Hamilton “Alexander the Great”
That the Macedonians were of Greek stock seems certain.
That the Macedonians were of Greek stock seems certain.
* Joseph M. Bryant, Moral codes and social structure in ancient Greece,
The Macedonians were of Greek stock, though for centuries they had remained outside the mainstream of Hellenic civilization.
The Macedonians were of Greek stock, though for centuries they had remained outside the mainstream of Hellenic civilization.
* N. Jayapalan “comprehensive study of Aristotle”
This was Macedonia in the strict sense the land where settled those immigrants of Greek stock afterwards called Macedonians.
4. Το μηνυμα του κου Ρηγα
Let us join AHI and the rest of the Hellenic community by writing to the president of UTAH University:
To Contact President, University of Utah, Salt Lake City:
Write to:
President Michael K. Young
University of Utah
201 Presidents Circle Room 201
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Telephone: 801- 581-5701
Fax: 801-581-6892
E-mail: president@utah.edu
Please place a copy of your letter into our action@hec.greece.org
Evangelos Rigos
HEC Director
TO:AHI Chapter President, Congressional Outreach Leaders, Members and Friends
FROM:Nick Larigakis, AHI Executive Director
DATE:October 23, 2009
On November 5-9, 2009, the forthcoming “7th Macedonian-North American Conference on Macedonian Studies” will take place at the University of Utah at Salt Lake City.
This was Macedonia in the strict sense the land where settled those immigrants of Greek stock afterwards called Macedonians.
4. Το μηνυμα του κου Ρηγα
Let us join AHI and the rest of the Hellenic community by writing to the president of UTAH University:
To Contact President, University of Utah, Salt Lake City:
Write to:
President Michael K. Young
University of Utah
201 Presidents Circle Room 201
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Telephone: 801- 581-5701
Fax: 801-581-6892
E-mail: president@utah.edu
Please place a copy of your letter into our action@hec.greece.org
Evangelos Rigos
HEC Director
TO:AHI Chapter President, Congressional Outreach Leaders, Members and Friends
FROM:Nick Larigakis, AHI Executive Director
DATE:October 23, 2009
On November 5-9, 2009, the forthcoming “7th Macedonian-North American Conference on Macedonian Studies” will take place at the University of Utah at Salt Lake City.
Conference topics and speakers include “Alexander the Great and mythic Homelands” and presenters such as revisionist academics, Professor Emilija Crvenkovska, of the University of Skopje and who is funded by the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and professor Loring Danforth who has written a number of revisionist history books that questions Greek historical facts relating to Macedonia from ancient to modern and who adheres to Marshal Tito’s falsehoods and revisionist claims.
Today, FYROM continues to provoke Greece, usurping history which has been Hellenic for thousands of years. Actions over the years such as distortion of geographic maps, naming its airport “Alexander the Great,” revisionists textbooks in schools, and inflammatory comments by top government officials, and general hostile propaganda, encourages new generations in FYROM to cultivate hostile sentiments against Greece.
By allowing this lecture, the University of Utah at Salt Lake City runs the risk of being scrutinized for endorsing a conference whose sole purpose is to promote historical revisionism and distortions with regards to the Greek history of Macedonia.
Contact the office of the President of the University of Utah at Salt Lake City to ask him to reconsider allowing the conference to take place on the campus of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.
To Contact President, University of Utah, Salt Lake City:
Write to:
President Michael K. Young
University of Utah
201 Presidents Circle Room 201
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Telephone: 801- 581-5701
Fax: 801-581-6892
E-mail: president@utah.edu
Please see AHI letter to the President of the University of Utah at Salt Lake City
Conference Agenda
To Contact President, University of Utah, Salt Lake City:
Write to:
President Michael K. Young
University of Utah
201 Presidents Circle Room 201
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Telephone: 801- 581-5701
Fax: 801-581-6892
E-mail: president@utah.edu
Please see AHI letter to the President of the University of Utah at Salt Lake City
Conference Agenda
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