Κυριακή 15 Ιουλίου 2012

NAME & SHAME, ΚΥΡΩΣΕΙΣ για την κακοποίηση των ζώων στην ΕΕ

Ο Υπουργός Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης και Τροφίμων, κ. Αθανάσιος Τσαυτάρης θα εκπροσωπήσει τη χώρα μας στη Σύνοδο των Υπουργών Γεωργίας και Αλιείας της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, που θα πραγματοποιηθεί αύριο, Δευτέρα, 16 Ιουλίου, στις Βρυξέλλες.
στο Συμβούλιο θα γίνει συζήτηση για την καλή μεταχείριση των ζώων κατά τη μεταφορά.

είναι μόνο η αρχή…
15-7-12 Cutting animal transport times is just the start, says Agriculture Committee
The welfare of animals in transport must be improved, but cutting transport time to eight hours must be supplemented by other measures, such as support for local slaughterhouses and meat processing plants, upgrading transport vehicles and full and uniform control of compliance with existing rules throughout the EU, said many Agriculture Committee MEPs in a debate on Monday.
Before imposing any time limits, it is necessary to put in place "stricter control and enforcement" measures that should be made uniform throughout the EU to prevent abuses, said Esther de Lange (EPP, NL), a view echoed by many MEPs. "We cannot have lorries by-passing Austria just because they have stricter rules in place", she said.The committee is united in its determination to improve animal welfare standards, but capping the duration of transport without considering transport conditions is "a blunt instrument," agreed Richard Ashworth (ECR, UK). "If conditions are bad, even a one-hour journey can be problematic," he said.
στις 4-7-12 ψηφίστηκε η Έκθεση: Marit Paulsen (A7-0216/2012)
Στρατηγική για την προστασία και την καλή διαβίωση των ζώων

Name and shame
Marit Paulsen: "Sometimes, it's good to point the finger at member states. It puts the issue back on the agenda."
"Name and shame member states dragging their feet over animal welfare" - MEP Marit Paulsen
Agriculture / Public health 4-7-2012
Only about 15-20% actually shop the way they say they do. People still feel they've got themselves a bargain when they find pork tenderloin at the supermarket for three euros. But what kind of life do they think that pig had - at that price?
Name and shame?
Indeed. And this is not just something needed in animal welfare legislation. If this passes, I expect legal milestones will be made standard practice for any EU legislation with a longer implementation period.

Species-specific rules
Transport conditions, including transit times, must remain species-specific - differing rules are needed for cattle and sheep, poultry and pigs, argued Britta Reimers (ALDE, DE). Many MEPs agreed, but some argued that current rules nonetheless need to be updated. On equine transport, Julie Girling (ECR, UK), insisted that "endless studies" show that distances and times "should be made special for horses".
REF. : 20120628STO47902

Name and Shame the animal killers of Greece!

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