5-1-2011 Μόσχα, Ινστιτούτο Βιοιατρικών προβλημάτων της Ρωσικής Ακαδημίας Επιστημών -Institute of Biomedical Problems in Moscow (IBMP)-, BION program
Το Ρωσικό Ινστιτούτο δημοσιοποιεί τις προθέσεις του να θέσει σε τροχιά γύρω από τη γη κατοικίδια τρωκτικά του είδους Mongolian gerbils (μοιάζουν με χάμστερ) , δηλαδή συνεχίζει να χρησιμοποιεί ζώα για την ιατρική έρευνα του διαστήματος. στο σχετικό δημοσίευμα δύο επιστήμονες του (IBMP) υποστηρίζουν τη χρησιμοποίηση των ζώων στην έρευνα του διαστήματος.
Πρόκειται για τους Pavel Soldatov,( scientist from the BION Program) και Evgeny Ilyin M.D, Καθηγητή Αεροδιαστημικής Ιατρικής ( Professor of Aerospace and Marine Medicine)
5-1-2011 Russian rodents pave way for mission to Mars
This year marks 50 years since the first human went into space
This time it is Mongolian gerbils that are to go into orbit. They will float around Earth, and on their return they will be examined to see how they have changed.
The BION program was launched in 1970. It has arranged more than a dozen trips, sending animals into space to conduct unique research.
“Animals live shorter lives than humans,” says Pavel Soldatov, a scientist from the BION Program. “Their metabolism is different, so we can extrapolate data from animal experiments to the conditions of man’s flight into outer space.”
“According to foreign analysts, about 70% of our knowledge about the effect of weightlessness on organisms comes from these experiments on board satellites,” says Evgeny Ilyin M.D, Professor of Aerospace and Marine Medicine
Το Ρωσικό Ινστιτούτο δημοσιοποιεί τις προθέσεις του να θέσει σε τροχιά γύρω από τη γη κατοικίδια τρωκτικά του είδους Mongolian gerbils (μοιάζουν με χάμστερ) , δηλαδή συνεχίζει να χρησιμοποιεί ζώα για την ιατρική έρευνα του διαστήματος. στο σχετικό δημοσίευμα δύο επιστήμονες του (IBMP) υποστηρίζουν τη χρησιμοποίηση των ζώων στην έρευνα του διαστήματος.
Πρόκειται για τους Pavel Soldatov,( scientist from the BION Program) και Evgeny Ilyin M.D, Καθηγητή Αεροδιαστημικής Ιατρικής ( Professor of Aerospace and Marine Medicine)
5-1-2011 Russian rodents pave way for mission to Mars
This year marks 50 years since the first human went into space
This time it is Mongolian gerbils that are to go into orbit. They will float around Earth, and on their return they will be examined to see how they have changed.
The BION program was launched in 1970. It has arranged more than a dozen trips, sending animals into space to conduct unique research.
“Animals live shorter lives than humans,” says Pavel Soldatov, a scientist from the BION Program. “Their metabolism is different, so we can extrapolate data from animal experiments to the conditions of man’s flight into outer space.”
“According to foreign analysts, about 70% of our knowledge about the effect of weightlessness on organisms comes from these experiments on board satellites,” says Evgeny Ilyin M.D, Professor of Aerospace and Marine Medicine
Μάλιστα οι (IBMP) επιστήμονες, κάνουν αναφορά στο σκυλάκι Laika που πέθανε τραγικά από πανικό και μεγάλη αύξηση θερμότητας λίγες ώρες μετά την εκτόξευση του Sputnik 2 στο διάστημα, αλλά και στα άλλα σκυλιά που βασανίστηκαν για να εξάγουν συμπεράσματα οι επιστήμονες του BIO program.
The rodents will also be the honored followers of the famous animal pioneers like Laika the first space traveler and Strelka and Belka who followed a few years later.
Πηγή http://rt.com/news/russian-pave-mission-mars/
Laika became the first living Earth-born creature (other than microbes) in orbit, aboard Sputnik 2 on November 3, 1957. She died between five and seven hours into the flight from stress and overheating. Her true cause of death was not made public until October 2002; officials previously gave reports that she died when the oxygen supply ran out.
Dogs were the preferred animal for the experiments because scientists felt dogs were well suited to endure long periods of inactivity. As part of their training, they were confined in small boxes for 15–20 days at a time. Stray dogs, rather than animals accustomed to living in a house, were chosen because the scientists felt they would be able to tolerate the rigours and extreme stresses of space flight better than other dogs. Female dogs were used because of their temperament and because the suit for the dogs in order to collect urine and feces was equipped with a special device, designed to work only with females.
Their training included standing still for long periods of time, wearing space suits, being placed in simulators that acted like a rocket during launch, riding in centrifuges that simulated the high acceleration of a rocket launch and being kept in progressively smaller cages to prepare them for the confines of the space module. Dogs that flew in orbit were fed a nutritious jelly-like protein. This was highly fibrous, and assisted the dogs to excrete during long periods of time while in their small space module. More than 60% of dogs to enter space were reportedly suffering from constipation and gallstones on arrival back to base
πηγή http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_space_dogs
23-12-2009 το Ινστιτούτο Βιοιατρικής της Ρωσικής Ακαδημίας Επιστημών δημοσιοποιεί τις προθέσεις του να στείλει στον ΄Αρη πιθήκους. Μάλιστα μεγάλο πειραματικό εργαστήριο πιθήκων προετοιμάζει τα ζώα για το διαστημικό πρόγραμμα της Ρωσικής ακαδημίας επιστημών.
23-12-2009 Zurab Mikvabia, director of the Institute of Experimental Pathology and Therapy in Georgia which suppl
ied apes for the programme in the 1980s.
The Institute is in preliminary talks with Russia's Cosmonautics Academy about preparing monkeys for a simulated Mars mission that could lay the groundwork for sending an ape to the Red Planet, he said.
Such an initiative would build on Mars-500, a joint Russian-European project that saw six human volunteers confined in a capsule in Moscow for 120 days earlier this year to simulate a Mars mission.
Πηγή http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/space/6864142/Monkey-to-be-sent-to-Mars.html
14-4-2008 Russia tests monkeys for Mars trip
By Sima Ayvazian BBCRussian.com, Sochi
The Sochi Institute of Medical Primatology, at Vesyoloye near the Black Sea, has a proud history of involvement in the Russian - formerly Soviet - space programme. "People a
nd monkeys have approximately identical sensitivity to small and large radiation doses," explains the institute's director, Boris Lapin. "So it is better to experiment on the macaques, but not on dogs or other animals." The institute will select macaques that may eventually fly to Mars before humans do. After two years of experiments the most suitable 40 monkeys will be sent to the Institute of Biomedical Problems in Moscow, where scientists study aerospace biomedicine.
Πηγή http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7341211.stm
Η Ευρωπαϊκή Υπηρεσία Διαστήματος (ESA) συνεργάζεται με το το Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP), στο πρόγραμμα MARS500 (μελέτη της ανθρώπινης ψυχολογίας και των ιατρικών και φυσικών περιορισμών που συνεπάγεται το μακροχρόνιο διαστημικό ταξίδι στον ΄Αρη), αλλά δεν συμφωνεί στη χρησιμοποίηση πιθήκων για την έρευνα του διαστήματος. –δεν είναι σύμφωνη με την Ευρωπαϊκή νομοθεσία-
The European Space Agency (ESA) is opposing experiments on monkeys in its partnership with the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) in a project called Mars 500. ESA made their position clear following our exposé of the Russian tests.
Πηγή http://www.savetheprimates.org/news/european-space-agency-opposes-mars-monkey-experiments
πηγή http://www.spacetravels.gr/html/mars500.html
European Space Agency
opposes mars monkey experiments
In an inadequate attempt to simulate a mission to Mars, longterm radiation experiments are being performed on monkeys. The purpose is to investigate the effects of radiation on the life expectancy of the monkeys as well as the risk of cancer. Experiments will include exposure to deadly levels of radiation, weightlessness, an unnatural diet, severe confinement, and prolonged isolation.
News reports have confirmed that an impoverished monkey lab in Abkhazia, a Georgian province recognised as independent by Russia following the Russia/Georgia conflict in August 2008, will conduct these experiments.
In 2008, Umberto Guidoni, former MEP and former NASA and ESA astronaut, supported ADI’s campaign against Russia’s use of primates in this programme.
We contacted ESA urging them to abandon the experiments, noting that such experiments would surely be illegal in Europe under the new Directive on animals in experiments – due to be voted this year – since alternatives are available, and the experiments do not aim at curing any existing clinical conditions. We contacted the European Commission on this matter.
Our partner in this campaign, Anti Dierproeven Coalitie (ADC), organised a demonstration in the Netherlands which attracted TV coverage. We called on ESA to pull out of Mars 500, or redesign the programme to avoid animal testing. Our pressure paid off. By the beginning of April, we had received an official letter from ESA Director Jean-Jacques Dordain stating that “ESA is opposing the necessity of complementary experiments with monkeys in combination with research objectives in Mars 500” and “ESA declines any interest in monkey research and does not consider any need or use for such research results”. We welcome the statement, but will continue to put the pressure on all stakeholders in the Mars 500 programme until these tests on primates are abandoned.
Despite the global recession it seems some are looking to space and see animals as stepping stone. In the U.S. NASA plan to fund studies investigating the effects of irradiation using “18 to 28 squirrel monkeys” (1) in a project, entitled “Long term effects of space radiation in nonhuman primates” (2). Our US office is protesting.
Για την έρευνα του διαστήματος, εξετάζουν τις επιπτώσεις της μηδενικής βαρύτητας στα ζώα, ερευνώνται οι μεταβολικές, αιματολογικές και ενδοκρινολογικές διαταραχές κατά την πτήση, οι αρρυθμίες και ο αιφνίδιος θάνατός τους. Εάν επιστρέψουν από τη διαστημική αποστολή εξετάζεται η μυϊκή τους μάζα και οι επιπτώσεις της έκθεσης στην κοσμική ακτινοβολία. Εξετάζονται επίσης οι επιπτώσεις της μακρόχρονης απομόνωσης σε περιορισμένο χώρο, η ανάπτυξη συνθηκών άγχους, η ρύθμιση των ορμονών στις συγκεκριμένες συνθήκες διαβίωσης, πως επηρεάζεται ο ύπνος, η διάθεση και οι διατροφικές συνήθειες του ζωντανού οργανισμού κλπ.
Institute of Biomedical Problems (Established 1963)
Primate Center, Lab or Research Program
Director: Anatoly Grigoriev, Moscow 123007 RUSSIA,
Supported Species: 30 Macaca mulatta (rhesus macaque)
Institute of Experimental Pathology and Therapy, Academy of Medical Sciences, U.S.S.R., Sukhumi, Georgia, Russia, Sukhumi Monkey House of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, one of the world's great primate centers,
Η χρήση πιθήκων και σκύλων ως πειραματόζωων δεν είναι ηθικά αποδεκτή και δημιουργεί θύελλα αντιδράσεων παγκοσμίως.
Είναι σημαντικό να ερευνηθούν τα πειραματικά εργαστήρια –κολαστήρια- πιθήκων (primate research centers), η μυστικότητα των ερευνών τους να επαναξιολογηθεί και να σταματήσει η χρηματοδότηση για την άσκοπη –κανένα αξιόπιστο συμπέρασμα για την ανθρώπινη φυσιολογία- κακοποίηση των ζώων στα πειραματικά αυτά εργαστήρια.
Τραγικά δυστυχήματα συνέβησαν στα ζώα, σε όλες τις προηγούμενες διαστημικές αποστολές διαφόρων κρατών
πηγή http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animals_in_space
Σχετική ανάρτηση http://el.netlog.com/anda1gr/blog/&page=4
The rodents will also be the honored followers of the famous animal pioneers like Laika the first space traveler and Strelka and Belka who followed a few years later.
Πηγή http://rt.com/news/russian-pave-mission-mars/
Laika became the first living Earth-born creature (other than microbes) in orbit, aboard Sputnik 2 on November 3, 1957. She died between five and seven hours into the flight from stress and overheating. Her true cause of death was not made public until October 2002; officials previously gave reports that she died when the oxygen supply ran out.
Dogs were the preferred animal for the experiments because scientists felt dogs were well suited to endure long periods of inactivity. As part of their training, they were confined in small boxes for 15–20 days at a time. Stray dogs, rather than animals accustomed to living in a house, were chosen because the scientists felt they would be able to tolerate the rigours and extreme stresses of space flight better than other dogs. Female dogs were used because of their temperament and because the suit for the dogs in order to collect urine and feces was equipped with a special device, designed to work only with females.
Their training included standing still for long periods of time, wearing space suits, being placed in simulators that acted like a rocket during launch, riding in centrifuges that simulated the high acceleration of a rocket launch and being kept in progressively smaller cages to prepare them for the confines of the space module. Dogs that flew in orbit were fed a nutritious jelly-like protein. This was highly fibrous, and assisted the dogs to excrete during long periods of time while in their small space module. More than 60% of dogs to enter space were reportedly suffering from constipation and gallstones on arrival back to base
πηγή http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_space_dogs
23-12-2009 το Ινστιτούτο Βιοιατρικής της Ρωσικής Ακαδημίας Επιστημών δημοσιοποιεί τις προθέσεις του να στείλει στον ΄Αρη πιθήκους. Μάλιστα μεγάλο πειραματικό εργαστήριο πιθήκων προετοιμάζει τα ζώα για το διαστημικό πρόγραμμα της Ρωσικής ακαδημίας επιστημών.
23-12-2009 Zurab Mikvabia, director of the Institute of Experimental Pathology and Therapy in Georgia which suppl

The Institute is in preliminary talks with Russia's Cosmonautics Academy about preparing monkeys for a simulated Mars mission that could lay the groundwork for sending an ape to the Red Planet, he said.
Such an initiative would build on Mars-500, a joint Russian-European project that saw six human volunteers confined in a capsule in Moscow for 120 days earlier this year to simulate a Mars mission.
Πηγή http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/space/6864142/Monkey-to-be-sent-to-Mars.html
14-4-2008 Russia tests monkeys for Mars trip
By Sima Ayvazian BBCRussian.com, Sochi
The Sochi Institute of Medical Primatology, at Vesyoloye near the Black Sea, has a proud history of involvement in the Russian - formerly Soviet - space programme. "People a

Πηγή http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7341211.stm
Η Ευρωπαϊκή Υπηρεσία Διαστήματος (ESA) συνεργάζεται με το το Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP), στο πρόγραμμα MARS500 (μελέτη της ανθρώπινης ψυχολογίας και των ιατρικών και φυσικών περιορισμών που συνεπάγεται το μακροχρόνιο διαστημικό ταξίδι στον ΄Αρη), αλλά δεν συμφωνεί στη χρησιμοποίηση πιθήκων για την έρευνα του διαστήματος. –δεν είναι σύμφωνη με την Ευρωπαϊκή νομοθεσία-
The European Space Agency (ESA) is opposing experiments on monkeys in its partnership with the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) in a project called Mars 500. ESA made their position clear following our exposé of the Russian tests.
Πηγή http://www.savetheprimates.org/news/european-space-agency-opposes-mars-monkey-experiments
πηγή http://www.spacetravels.gr/html/mars500.html

European Space Agency

In an inadequate attempt to simulate a mission to Mars, longterm radiation experiments are being performed on monkeys. The purpose is to investigate the effects of radiation on the life expectancy of the monkeys as well as the risk of cancer. Experiments will include exposure to deadly levels of radiation, weightlessness, an unnatural diet, severe confinement, and prolonged isolation.
News reports have confirmed that an impoverished monkey lab in Abkhazia, a Georgian province recognised as independent by Russia following the Russia/Georgia conflict in August 2008, will conduct these experiments.
In 2008, Umberto Guidoni, former MEP and former NASA and ESA astronaut, supported ADI’s campaign against Russia’s use of primates in this programme.
We contacted ESA urging them to abandon the experiments, noting that such experiments would surely be illegal in Europe under the new Directive on animals in experiments – due to be voted this year – since alternatives are available, and the experiments do not aim at curing any existing clinical conditions. We contacted the European Commission on this matter.
Our partner in this campaign, Anti Dierproeven Coalitie (ADC), organised a demonstration in the Netherlands which attracted TV coverage. We called on ESA to pull out of Mars 500, or redesign the programme to avoid animal testing. Our pressure paid off. By the beginning of April, we had received an official letter from ESA Director Jean-Jacques Dordain stating that “ESA is opposing the necessity of complementary experiments with monkeys in combination with research objectives in Mars 500” and “ESA declines any interest in monkey research and does not consider any need or use for such research results”. We welcome the statement, but will continue to put the pressure on all stakeholders in the Mars 500 programme until these tests on primates are abandoned.
Despite the global recession it seems some are looking to space and see animals as stepping stone. In the U.S. NASA plan to fund studies investigating the effects of irradiation using “18 to 28 squirrel monkeys” (1) in a project, entitled “Long term effects of space radiation in nonhuman primates” (2). Our US office is protesting.

Για την έρευνα του διαστήματος, εξετάζουν τις επιπτώσεις της μηδενικής βαρύτητας στα ζώα, ερευνώνται οι μεταβολικές, αιματολογικές και ενδοκρινολογικές διαταραχές κατά την πτήση, οι αρρυθμίες και ο αιφνίδιος θάνατός τους. Εάν επιστρέψουν από τη διαστημική αποστολή εξετάζεται η μυϊκή τους μάζα και οι επιπτώσεις της έκθεσης στην κοσμική ακτινοβολία. Εξετάζονται επίσης οι επιπτώσεις της μακρόχρονης απομόνωσης σε περιορισμένο χώρο, η ανάπτυξη συνθηκών άγχους, η ρύθμιση των ορμονών στις συγκεκριμένες συνθήκες διαβίωσης, πως επηρεάζεται ο ύπνος, η διάθεση και οι διατροφικές συνήθειες του ζωντανού οργανισμού κλπ.
Institute of Biomedical Problems (Established 1963)
Primate Center, Lab or Research Program
Director: Anatoly Grigoriev, Moscow 123007 RUSSIA,
Supported Species: 30 Macaca mulatta (rhesus macaque)
Institute of Experimental Pathology and Therapy, Academy of Medical Sciences, U.S.S.R., Sukhumi, Georgia, Russia, Sukhumi Monkey House of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, one of the world's great primate centers,
Η χρήση πιθήκων και σκύλων ως πειραματόζωων δεν είναι ηθικά αποδεκτή και δημιουργεί θύελλα αντιδράσεων παγκοσμίως.
Είναι σημαντικό να ερευνηθούν τα πειραματικά εργαστήρια –κολαστήρια- πιθήκων (primate research centers), η μυστικότητα των ερευνών τους να επαναξιολογηθεί και να σταματήσει η χρηματοδότηση για την άσκοπη –κανένα αξιόπιστο συμπέρασμα για την ανθρώπινη φυσιολογία- κακοποίηση των ζώων στα πειραματικά αυτά εργαστήρια.
Τραγικά δυστυχήματα συνέβησαν στα ζώα, σε όλες τις προηγούμενες διαστημικές αποστολές διαφόρων κρατών
πηγή http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animals_in_space
Σχετική ανάρτηση http://el.netlog.com/anda1gr/blog/&page=4
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