30-5-12 Αυστραλοί επιστήμονες βάσει των αποτελεσμάτων
εξετάσεων αρκετών δεκάδων αθλητών κατέληξαν στο συμπέρασμα ότι οι άνθρωποι, που
επιδιώκουν να βελτιώσουν τις αθλητικές τους επιδόσεις, μπορούν να βρουν
πραγματική βοήθεια στη χορτοφαγική διατροφή.
δίαιτα αυτή επιτρέπει στους αθλητές να διατηρήσουν σε εξαιρετική μορφή το
καρδιαγγειακό τους σύστημα, χωρίς να το υποβάλουν στις επιδράσεις της
χοληστερίνης, αλλά και να διατηρούν υψηλή ανοσία χάρη στα φυσικά αντιοξειδωτικά
από λαχανικά και φρούτα, τα οποία ο χορτοφάγος καταναλώνει σε μεγάλες
ποσότητες. Πιθανώς σύντομα ολόκληρος ο αθλητικός κόσμος να γίνει χορτοφαγικός,
καθώς αυτό μπορεί να βελτιώσει σημαντικά τις επιδόσεις των αθλητών.
πηγή http://greek.ruvr.ru/2012_05_30/76506199/
28-5-12 Athletes
`may benefit from vegetarian diet`
Melbourne : Some
athletes feel that a vegetarian diet improves their performance, it has been
Ultra-marathoner Scott Jurek has detailed his astonishing runs of 160 kilometres or more fuelled by foods like quinoa porridge with almond milk in his new book `Eat and Run'.
"It's a question that's already been answered because so many athletes have shown that it can," the Age quoted exercise physiologist Darren Morton as saying.
As for the extra protein required for serious bodybuilding or strength most people use protein shakes based on whey or soy that are suitable for vegetarians anyway, he adds.
"It may be that a vegetarian diet is protective. If you eat a plant based diet you're getting a lot of extra antioxidants from vegetables and fruit so perhaps you're less likely to get sick so often and you can front up for training every day," he said.
Morton, a recreational triathlete who's followed a diet that's vegan - if you don't count chocolate - for about four years.
Ultra-marathoner Scott Jurek has detailed his astonishing runs of 160 kilometres or more fuelled by foods like quinoa porridge with almond milk in his new book `Eat and Run'.
"It's a question that's already been answered because so many athletes have shown that it can," the Age quoted exercise physiologist Darren Morton as saying.
As for the extra protein required for serious bodybuilding or strength most people use protein shakes based on whey or soy that are suitable for vegetarians anyway, he adds.
"It may be that a vegetarian diet is protective. If you eat a plant based diet you're getting a lot of extra antioxidants from vegetables and fruit so perhaps you're less likely to get sick so often and you can front up for training every day," he said.
Morton, a recreational triathlete who's followed a diet that's vegan - if you don't count chocolate - for about four years.
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