Τρίτη 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

ΑΝΩΘΕΝ ΣΗΜΑΔΙ πριν ο ΠΑΠΑΣ ανακοινώσει την παραίτησή του

Αστραπή χτύπησε το θόλο της Βασιλικής του Αγίου Πέτρου στο Βατικανό, λίγες ώρες πριν ο Πάπας Βενέδικτος ο 16ος, ανακοινώσει την παραίτηση του.
Καταιγίδα στη Ρώμη, τη μέρα που έγινε η ανακοίνωση από τον ίδιο τον Πάπα.
Είναι η πρώτη φορά που παραιτείται Πάπας από το 1415.
11-2-13  A signal from above? Lightning hits St Peter's hours after Pope Benedict stuns cardinals with first resignation in 600 years
The Pontiff, was known as 'God's rottweiler' because of his stern stand on theological issues.

Throughout his career, he has also been viewed as a deeply conservative man who had headed up the Church's modern-day Inquisition.
However, once he took office he gained a reputation as a charming and shy man who won over many of his critics.
In private, the Pope is known to be an accomplished pianist and a lover of Mozart.
He is also a cat lover and, as Cardinal Ratzinger, was known to have looked after stray cats in Rome.

πηγή  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2276884/Pope-Benedict-XVI-resigns-First-Pontiff-600-years-stand-longer-strength-carry-on.html#axzz2KdZ8uMyF

A sign from God? Lighting strikes the basilica of St.Peter's dome earlier this evening during a storm that struck Rome on the same day Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation

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