Κυριακή 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013


Ο πρωθυπουργός της Βρετανίας David Cameron  στο γάμο της αδελφής του. Ο  Cameron με τη σύζυγό του, συνομιλούν με γουνοφόρα προσκεκλημένη.
Χαρακτηριστική η φωτογραφία που επέλεξε η Daily Mail από στιγμιότυπα του γάμου.
7-9-13 Cameron takes a break from political battles as he and Samantha attend her sister's country wedding

Σωσίες πολιτικών προσώπων που ανήκουν στο ζωικό βασίλειο. 
10-5-13 Political animals: After Boris's lookalike alpaca, the other beastly double acts

 They say we all have a doppelganger, but who’d have thought so many of our politicians would find theirs in the animal kingdom?
Showing strain: With the Coalition coming under increasing pressure in recent months, the Prime Minister is beginning to resemble a grumpy dog
Hawkish: Home Secretary Theresa May, who sometimes gets in a flap, closely resembles this startled hawk
Mr Toad: Jowly Communities Secretary Eric Pickles looks not unlike this bullfrog
Going ape: Re-elected Russian president Vladimir Putin is a vote-swinger
Head in the sand: Margaret Beckett behaved like an ostrich over her expenses

Clarke-a-doodle-doo: With his hair in a spike, Ken Clarke looks similar to this cockerel
Forked tongue: Peter Mandelson is prone to hissy fits

Hippo-crite?: John Prescott and a hippopotamus
Otterly uncanny: George Osborne loves banks as well
Tortoise and the hairless: Foreign Secretary William Hague sticks his neck out

Looky-lickies: Former PM Gordon Brown resembles a bulldog
σχόλιο αναγνώστη της Daily Mail -- Don't insult the animals! - Tomlinson , Manchester,

Ο πρωθυπουργός –όπως και η βασιλική οικογένεια- απολαμβάνει το κυνήγι ελαφιού στη Σκωτία, εδώ και 20 χρόνια.

20-8-13 Animal Rights Groups Slam Blood Sport Fanatic David Cameron
Now, animal welfare groups have hit back, saying the prime minister "should leave shows of baseless, old-fashioned machismo" to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

"The Prime Minister's "protruding disc" suggests that he understands pain, at least his own pain, and one wishes his compassion and value for his own life and well-being extended to the deer he mercilessly shoots for a bit of fun," the
animal welfare group Peta said.

 "If he wants to enjoy nature, perhaps he can take up quietly watching their majestic, gentle nature and harmless, environmentally sound way of life instead of blasting at them with a shotgun."πηγή

Deerstalker Dave can fell two stags with one shot
The Conservative leader regularly goes deerstalking and is one of the few marksmen skilled enough to shoot two stags in one go.

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