Σάββατο 18 Μαΐου 2013

Ελληνικά αρνάκια εξάγονται ζωντανά στη Λιβύη

Οι εξαγωγές ζωντανών ζώων σε τρίτες χώρες για σφαγή ή πάχυνση, αποτελούν οπισθοδρόμηση, απάνθρωπη μεταχείριση των ζώων με σκληρότητα και δεν έχουν θέση στη σύγχρονη Ευρώπη.
Πέρυσι βιντεοσκόπηση σε σφαγεία της Αιγύπτου αποδεικνύει τις φριχτές μεθόδους της σφαγής ζώων χωρίς αναισθητοποίηση.
Η κατάσταση στη Λιβύη θα είναι παρόμοια.

Αντιδράσεις από όλες τις φιλοζωικές οργανώσεις της Ευρώπης, για το πολυήμερο ταξίδι δια θαλάσσης, των ζώων που εξάγονται από χώρες της ΕΕ, για σφαγή σε μουσουλμανικές χώρες.

18-2-13  Shame of Irish live exports to Libya will tarnish country’s EU Presidency

Call for Irish Agriculture Minister to stand down as President of EU Agriculture Council when animal welfare is on the agenda

Ireland will resume the horrific trade of live cattle exports to Libya this week, after a break of more than 15 years. The resumption coincides with Ireland’s Presidency of the EU.

 According to newspaper reports, a shipment of nearly 3,000 cattle will leave Waterford in Ireland for Libya at some point this week on board the Al Mahmoud Express. Irish cattle sent to Libya may well suffer during the long sea journey which takes at least a week.

They can be expected to suffer once they reach Libya. Many investigations in recent years have revealed extremely poor treatment of animals during transport and slaughter in the countries of the Middle East including Lebanon and Egypt. There is a danger that conditions in Libya will be similar.

 Philip Lymbery, CEO of Compassion in World Farming says: “This is a significant backwards step by Ireland, just at the time when the country should be showing leadership at the EU level. Live exports are cruel, archaic and there is no place for them in modern Europe.”

  On arrival in Libya the Irish cattle will likely be crammed onto an overcrowded truck that will take them on a stressful journey to their final destination - a feedlot or slaughterhouse. Animals that are injured or sick after the long voyage from Ireland are unlikely to receive any veterinary care – they too will be packed onto the truck.

As recently as last year, Compassion released shocking footage taken of slaughter in Egypt where poor and inept slaughter techniques mean animals face an horrific death. Conditions in Libya may be similar. Our film shows slaughtermen severing the leg tendons of cattle with a knife to restrain them. We also see cattle being beaten – very hard - on the head with a large pole. In many cases it takes several blows before the animal is so dazed that it falls to the ground when its throat is then cut.
το τρομακτικό βίντεο

 Irish cattle sent to Libya are very unlikely to be stunned – rendered unconscious – before slaughter. Their throats will be cut while they are fully conscious and they will be left to bleed to death

But incidents involving live transport ships have seen thousands of animals die. For example, last year the Pearl of Para and the Gracia del Mar were involved in separate live exports disasters that cost the lives of several thousand animals.

Article 13 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union provides that “in formulating and implementing the Union’s agriculture [and] transport ... policies, the Union and the Member States shall “pay full regard to the welfare requirements of animals”.

Ireland’s proposed exports to Libya are in breach of the Treaty as it is clear that Irish cattle are likely to suffer greatly in the course of this trade. This trade is not paying “full regard” to animal welfare; indeed, it seems to be largely ignoring the well-being of the animals and paying virtually no regard to their welfare..
Philip Lymbery adds: “We urge Ireland, even at this eleventh hour, to think again and pull out of this brutal trade in living creatures. If they do not Ireland must forfeit its role as President of the EU Agriculture Council when animal welfare is being discussed. A country that is cynically ignoring the EU Treaty’s provisions on animal welfare is unfit to lead EU decision-making in this area.”

For further information, images or to arrange interviews contact:
Jon Bennett     email jon.bennett@ciwf.org
εξαγωγές αιγοπροβάτων από Ελλάδα στη Λιβύη
22-10-12 Σημαντική αγορά για τους κτηνοτρόφους της Λέσβου αποδεικνύεται η Λιβύη.
ζώντα ζώα μπορούν να εξαχθούν από την Λέσβο στην Τουρκία, την Λιβύη και αλλού αλλά δεν μπορούν να εξαχθούν στην υπόλοιπη Ελλάδα και τις άλλες χώρες της Ε.Ε. (λόγω καραντίνας, καταρροικού πυρετού)
Πάνω από 10.000 ζώα έφυγαν τον Οκτώβριο στη Λιβύη
Τον περασμένο Μάη είχαν γίνει και πάλι εξαγωγές αιγοπροβάτων στη Λιβύη από την Λέσβο και την Λήμνο. Τότε είχαν εξαχθεί 6.000 ζώντα ζώα.

10-8-12  Ενα εκατομμύριο αρνιά τα επόμενα 3 χρόνια θέλει η Λιβύη από την Κρήτη


16-5-13  Αρνιά στη Λιβύη θα εξάγουν οι Ηπειρώτες κτηνοτρόφοι

σύμφωνα με τον περιφερειάρχη Ηπείρου Αλέξανδρος Καχριμάνη, πρόκειται για νέα και ανατέλλουσα αγορά.

για να διευκολυνθεί το έργο της μεταφοράς των ζώων  από το λιμάνι της Ηγουμενίτσας, ο περιφερειάρχης έδωσε ήδη εντολή στον προϊστάμενο της Κτηνιατρικής Υπηρεσίας να προβεί στην κατάλληλη προετοιμασία
Αρνιά στη Λιβύη θα εξάγουν οι Ηπειρώτες κτηνοτρόφοι | iefimerida.gr http://www.iefimerida.gr/node/105625#ixzz2TeaMRGLe

7-9-12  About 7000 Australian sheep stabbed and clubbed with some buried alive in inhumane slaughter in Pakistan
ABC radio today reported about 7000 of the sheep had been stabbed and clubbed to death - and some had been buried alive - and a further 3000 were not accounted for.
Various reports said an employee of Pakistani importer PK Livestock had videoed the slaughter on a mobile phone.
Animals Australia said the reports were disturbing.
Its campaign director Lyn White said the events in the Middle East in
the past month had proved that exported animals faced unacceptable risks.
"What Australian sheep have endured in Pakistan is unforgivable but the reality is that the only way to ensure such a terrible situation is never repeated is to end our participation in this cruel and unnecessary trade,'' Ms White told AAP.

11-7-12   Australia And Pakistan Are In A Huge Fight Over 21,000 Dead Sheep.
Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strategic-geopolitical-issues/217694-australia-pakistan-huge-fight-over-21-000-dead-sheep.html#ixzz2TmERu6Ce

Prime Minister Julia Gillard on Tuesday demanded that Pakistan investigate and explain the brutal killing of 21,000 Australian sheep in Karachi, a slaughter officials have described as appalling.
The shipment of Australian sheep was sent to the port city after being turned away by Bahrain, with Pakistan livestock officials ordering them to be culled over disease concerns.

Graphic footage of their slaughter was aired by ABC's Four Corners programme on Monday, including images of a man sawing at a sheep's neck before throwing it into a bloody trench. Other sheep were bulldozed into the pit after being killed last month, but some were seen the next morning still breathing, sparking angry condemnation of their treatment.
Gillard said she had spoken to her Pakistani counterpart Raja Pervez Ashraf at a summit of European and Asian leaders in Laos to express her concern.
"I did raise with the prime minister of Pakistan my concern about the graphic and very cruel images we've seen of the treatment of Australian sheep," she told reporters in Vientiane.
I explained to him that Australians are distressed to see these acts of cruelty and that I wanted the matter investigated.
"He undertook to investigate the matter ... I was very clear about Australia's concerns, very strong in raising those concerns and very clear that this is something
that has distressed the Australian people

Australia Agriculture Minister Joe Ludwig earlier called the slaughter "appalling" and his department disputed that the sheep were unhealthy.
"We do not know the reasoning behind the Pakistan authority's decision to cull the sheep in Pakistan or their choice of the method used," the agriculture ministry said.
"We continue to hold that both the decision and the method used were unnecessary."
Livestock officials ordered the sheep to be culled after they tested positive for salmonella and actinomyces bacteria.
Although samples from the sheep were sent to a British laboratory and came back clean, clearing the meat for human consumption, municipal officials in Karachi rejected the tests.
Pakistani officials insisted the animals were slaughtered in keeping with Islamic practice, but said enquiries would be made.
"As far as we know the culling was done in accordance with the rules. The animals were slaughtered in Islamic manner," a senior official with Sindh provincial livestock ministry said.
"However, we will investigate the reports alleging the Australian sheep were brutalised during the slaughter."
Australian farmers urged against a ban on the live export trade, saying significant improvements had been made in regulating Australia's live export market since a controversy in Indonesia last year.
Canberra suspended live cattle exports to Indonesia for a month last year after a television documentary revealed mistreatment inside its abattoirs, only reinstating the trade under a strict new licensing system
's National Farmers Federation said "decisive action" had been taken to temporarily suspend exports of sheep to Pakistan and Bahrain while investigations were carried out.
The farming lobby group stressed that Australia was a world leader in animal treatment in exports and warned that banning the trade would see welfare standards fall.
"If Australia was to stop exporting livestock, global animal welfare standards would unquestionably decline," it said.
In a separate development, a US-based animal rights group on Tuesday urged Australia to ban livestock exports to Egypt, where a government-tasked committee is recommending the ears of hormone-treated cattle be chopped off.
Egyptian newspapers say the committee made the recommendation in a bid to rid livestock imported from Australia of hormone implants found in their ears.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals urged Australia's government to ban cattle exports to Egypt to avoid the practice.
Australia's live export trade is worth about US$1 billion a year and employs thousands of people.

Copyright (2012) AFP. All rights reserved.


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