Τρίτη 20 Νοεμβρίου 2012

έρευνα του FBI για την PETA

Η ιδιωτική υπηρεσία πληροφοριών Stratfor (Strategic Forecasting) έστειλε το 2009, απαντητικό email στην Coca Cola και την ενημέρωσε πως το FBI (United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation) διεξάγει  μυστική έρευνα για την PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)
Το email ήταν απάντηση σε αίτημα της Coca cola για πληροφορίες που αφορούσαν την Peta και θα μπορούσε να τις χρησιμοποιήσει.
Αντιπρόσωποι της
Coca cola  ενδιαφέρονταν για τις μεθόδους δράσης της Peta  
και έκαναν αναφορά για τον κίνδυνο από αναρχικά άτομα άλλων ομάδων υπεράσπισης των ζώων, όπως η Alf (Animal Liberation Front).
Οι χακτιβιστές Anonymous έκαναν υποκλοπή στο email του Stratfor - έκτοτε δημοσιεύεται στο  WikiLeaks whistleblower site- και την περασμένη εβδομάδα, το email δημοσιεύτηκε στο blog  του PrivacySOS.org website
ο Fred Burton, πρόεδρος και εκπρόσωπος τύπου για το  intelligence at Strategic Forecasting, ή Stratfor, παραδέχεται ότι το United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation έχει  εξαπολύσει μυστική  έρευνα για το Peta (animal rights group)

οι ακτιβιστές της Peta συνιστούν απειλή για την εθνική ασφάλεια?

Το 2005 η American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) εξέδωσε εσωτερικά έγγραφα-προσωπικά δεδομένα- για τους ακτιβιστές της PETA - obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request-
Η ACLU Associate Legal Director Ann Beeson δήλωσε στην Washington Post πως το FBI θα πρέπει να αξιοποιεί τους πόρους του για να ερευνά αξιόπιστες απειλές για την εθνική ασφάλεια, αντί να σπαταλά τον χρόνο για παρακολούθηση αθώων Αμερικανών που απλά επικρίνουν την πολιτική της κυβέρνησης...

19-11-12   Stratfor emails: FBI had a 'classified investigation' open on PETA

The FBI conducted a top-secret investigation into the People for Ethical Treatment for Animals, or PETA, according to the Stratfor intelligence agency.
In emails sent through Stratfor in 2009 and compromised last year by hacktivists aligned with the loose-knit Anonymous movement, Fred Burton, the vice president for intelligence at Strategic Forecasting, or Stratfor, acknowledges that the United States’ Federal Bureau of Investigation has waged a clandestine probe into the animal rights group.
The PrivacySOS.org website published a blog last week shining light on one of those Stratfor emails hacked by Anonymous that has since been published by the WikiLeaks whistleblower site. In it, Burton cites a classified investigation carried out by the FBI in reference to an email from Coca Cola asking for intelligence about PETA that could be put to use.

According to Alfano’s email, representatives for Coca Cola were curious about any methodology and planning behind PETA-led activism and even inquires as to if anarchical “non-PETA hangers-on” from others groups, such as the Animal Liberation Front, could pose a problem.
Responding to Alfano’s email, Burton writes, “The FBI has a classified investigation on PETA operatives. I'll see what I can uncover.”

PETA has in the past led actions against Coca Cola for their affiliation with animal testing, and the FBI acknowledged an investigation into the group as early as 2005 when the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) released internal bureau documentation about PETA protesters obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request. Until the Stratfor emails were made public by Wikileaks, though, no news of a top-secret investigation has been unearthed.
"The FBI should use its resources to investigate credible threats to national security instead of spending time tracking innocent Americans who criticize government policy, or monitoring groups that have not broken the law," ACLU Associate Legal Director Ann Beeson told the Washington Post when that FOIA request was first fulfilled.

When the FBI was approached by the New York Times to comment on their investigation into PETA after the ACLU went public with its FOIA findings, bureau spokesman John Miller said, “Just being referenced in an FBI file is not tantamount to being the subject of an investigation,"
In paperwork discovered by independent journalist Will Potter in 2009, the U.S. Department of Agriculture considered PETA a potential cause of “terrorist threat[s]” and warned the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service possible attacks from the group.


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