Κυριακή 21 Οκτωβρίου 2012


μια βδομάδα πριν το
Έηντ Αλ Άντχου (θρησκευτική μουσουλμανική γιορτή θυσίας Κουρμπάν Μπαϊράμ -  Eidul Azha),
η τιμή στα ζώα θυσίας αυξήθηκε. 
Στην αγορά Bakr Mandi , η τιμή είναι 50% μεγαλύτερη από πέρυσι.

Κύρια αιτία της αύξησης  τιμής των ζώων θυσίας, θεωρείται η παράνομη διακίνηση βοοειδών από το Πακιστάν στο Αφγανιστάν. 

Η παράνομη διακίνηση των βοοειδών γίνεται με δωροδοκία αστυνομικών, υπαλλήλων υπηρεσιών ελέγχου, ενώ μερίδα στη δωροδοκία έχουν και υψηλόβαθμα πρόσωπα της κυβέρνησης.Οι κάτοικοι του Αφγανιστάν προτιμούν να θυσιάζουν μεγάλα ζώα,  όχι μόνο κατσίκες
και πρόβατα.

21-10-12  Cattle smuggling increases prices of sacrificial animals
With only a week left to buy animals for Eidul Azha, neither buyers nor sellers in Peshawar are happy with the prices settled on for livestock. Cattle sellers have asked for almost a 50% increase in the prices as compared to last year.

18-10-12    PESHAWAR: The Home and Tribal Affairs Department has directed the police officials and political administration of different tribal agencies to stop smuggling of cattle to Afghanistan to control the price of sacrificial animals for the upcoming Eidul Azha.
Officials of the Home and Tribal Affairs Department at a meeting expressed concern over the smuggling of cattle to Afghanistan through various routes. It has been observed that the vehicles carrying cattle are allegedly paying huge amount to the cops on the Ring Road in Peshawar and to the Khassadars in Khyber Agency to transport the animals to Afghanistan.

No action has yet been taken to control the smuggling despite the directives issued by the Peshawar High Court and the relevant department. A source said the cattle smuggling was a major source of income for some policemen and the law-enforcement agencies in the tribal areas.

25-4-11   Large-scale cattle smuggling to Afghanistan via different routes of Landikotal has been no more hidden from the authorities because from low level to the top level government officials take their shares from this illicit smuggling that has caused the prices of the meat to sour up in the tribal regions as well as in the districts. The officially permitted smuggling of the cattle to Afghan side via bordering areas in Landikotal in the broad day light has also created a famine of meat in some of the tribal areas where people are bound to buy rotten meat from markets, which would certainly and adversely affect their healths and economy.

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