Δευτέρα 26 Οκτωβρίου 2009

Ο επικεφαλής του λόμπι των Σκοπιανών Metodija Koloski στο πλευρό των Τούρκων εισβολέων και του Ατίλα!

Metodija Koloski identified!

Head of Skopjian Lobby UMD Protested With Turks

For Immediate Release: October 25, 2009

Contact: Nikolaos Taneris, New York, Tel. (917) 699-9935.

NEW YORK—The Cyprus Action Network of America
(CANA) is pleased to announce that we have identified many of the so-called “demonstrators” of the 35-year Commemoration of Turkish Invasion of Cyprus Counter-"Protest" outside the Turkish Embassy in Washington DC on July 20th 2009. The head of the Skopjian lobby the so-called “United Macedonian Diaspora” Mr. Metodija Koloski and other Skopjians from UMD participated, all in all the participants are a who’s who of Turkish assets, agents and cheap dates.

The effeminate guy with the bumblebee t-shirt is METODIJA KOLOSKI, holding the sign saying "Shame on Greek Terrorists For Killing US diplomats" He protested with the Turks outside the Turkish Embassy on July 20Th 2009


Here are videos of him outside the Turkish Embassy:



Here he is at an Official 2009 UMD conference function honoring Turkey:



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