Τετάρτη 19 Αυγούστου 2009

Ο Βάσκο (Vasilije Gligorijevic) απαντάει στο γνωστό Ανθελληνικό blog για το θέμα της ψυχικής του υγείας (και όχι μόνο)

Όπως γνωρίζετε ο δυαδυκτιακός χρήστης Μιχάλης και διαχειριστής του http://prodotis.blogspot.com/ έχει εξαπολύσει πρωτοφανή επίθεση στα ελληνικά φόρουμς και στην μπλογκόσφαιρα εναντίον του Βάσκο με θέμα την ψυχική υγεία του βάζοντας διάφορα επιχειρήματα. Επικοινώνησα με τον Βάσκο (γνωρίζοντας ότι το φασιστικό καθεστώς του Γκρούεσφσκι δεν χτυπάει μόνο αυτόν αλλά και την πολυαγαπημένη του μητέρα) και μου έστειλε την απάντηση του σε αυτούς τους ισχυρισμούς.
Σημειώνω δε ο δυαδυκτιακός χρήστης Μιχάλης σε απάντησεις που του έδωσα τόσο στο phorum.gr αλλά και στο μλπογκ του να πάει να μιλήσει απευθείας με τον Βάσκο.....μιλήσει απευθείας με τον Βάσκο.....το απέφυγε και το αποφεύγει σαν κοκοβιός.

Η απάντηση του είναι στα αγγλικά (αύριο θα το μεταφράσω και στα Ελληνικά) και η επιθυμία του είναι δημοσιευτεί αυτούσιο:

I have "babelfished" the discussion: Mr. Michails doesn't know a thing what happens here in general and in my case. I lead a criminal persecution to FYROM, its Ministry of Interior, its Health Ministry pluse several individuals and last an not the least the media (which falsely reported interview with my mother, which is now suing them for libel. I will pay 1.000 EUR to Mr. Michalis to come to Skoplje and see both of my discharge list: sane (with something as irrelevant as chronic) insomnia plus several psychometric parameters. He can also see the "addmital list" which doesn't mention family member involvement: i.e call to the Police, Ambulance etc. He seems not to understand what "schizophrenia" constitutes. Treatment with medication and other measures is generally recognized as a joke,as inefficient, i.e likely to have some very peripheral, palliative effect on the completely abnormal way of thinking, acting, gesturing, behaving, long term personal projections. As somebody who saw REAL schizophrenics of all sorts ("I am a President of Unites States and an agent of UDBA. KGB is sending me signals through French TV vi Alien Spaceship."), then screaming or dancing thethrically and who know from the medical literature that their hopitalization, once it occurs, seldom last before sever years, I have a good idea of why the Regime tries to stick me this label via the media on its budget.

Michalis is free to say I'm a faggot, a pedophile, an exhibitionist, drug-consuming junkie, thief etc. In terms of his theory that I was a Internet participant named "Igor Malinovski", that happens not to be true. I have find the most striking correlation between that person on the Internet (but who is some sort of Serbian Nazi racist) on a site of his where he quotes V. Djeric,a Serbian author whose historical textbooks on Povardarje (made in early 20the century) are objective, and subsequently an improvement over early Serbian propaganda which was mostly crude and categorical. There are 200.000 Serbs in FYROM, 40% boasting an University diploma and many of the young speaking basic English, 50% of the households have Internet etc. If the opus of somebody who seem to have written from c.2000-c.2004 and disappeared "looks like me", that's just Mr. Michalis subjective impression. Many people here thought that I was Frckoski, Maleski, Konstandidinis (Kolyo the Diamont), On forums, blogs in FYROM many people thing that other local Pro-Serbian, Pro-Greek participants are me, because of the brief local publicity of mine.

In light of one mental test (actually, these are "batteries" of mental tests (several hours, for several days) plus some objective methods: ElectroEncephalograph, Eye-Tracking text, reflex-reaction, acoustic stress test.) I am sane, with some remarks like "reserved, introvert, intellectual, rigid", but which are far from being pathology - let us not use medical jargon - which makes me "imbecile", "fool" or "insane" or "madman".

If Michalis believes that I am putting mustard over my body, go naked through the streets jumping like a kangaroo, shout monkey voices and claim that I'm Napoleon before "guys in white coats" but a hunting net over my head, let him go ahead, he has a right to a Free Speech. He is right that I did not "raised" the issue (perhaps with a press-conference) in a more vocal manner and that "Amnesty International", "OBSE", Human Rights Watch" did not sniffed anything suspicious, but Akritas..............in case of "Rastanski Lozja" the Government produced an several-hours audio recording of people speaking in Urdu and Albanian, in which they discuss planting bombs and attacking Western Embassies. These economic migrants were innocent and at minimum 100 operatives have their blood on their hands.

Besides, I was arrested by police after "complaint" that I am "noisy" (loud music, outrageous behavior) in a 60% owned appartment block by Police, Army and Secret Service operatives, a building decorated by Anti-Government stickers by me. Nobody said "you wrote articles against VMRO-DPMNE, this is why we are handcuffing you", nor it is stated in the documentation produced by them. The evidence is circumstantial and I am not only victim of a "dirty play": Konstandinis was called schizophrenic the moment he became a media personality. Relatively young and married intellectual, local ethnic Bulgarian journalist and criticism of the Pseudomacedonian was "caught openly masturbating in front of all people present in an Internet cafe". There are other cases of obvious counterintellegence setups with an attempt to inflict stigma of criminality or insanity on local dissidents, almost all of them type of people which has have no party, NGO or other strong protective network - i.e solo-players.

But I am bringing my evidence forward through my lawyers, through courts, through documentation on thousands of pages and once-likely in a year or two-the verdicts shall be brought, I will present them. Verdicts against false-flag arrests, psychiatric torture (beating, injecting drugs some of which are banned 30 years in the First World, lack of the legal procedure - being taken to Court 72 hours after the arrest, which is proscribed in FYROMian laws for psychiatric detentions, dozens of hours of being chained to a bed unable to properly breath). Mr. Michalis doesn't know anything about me except my name and surname, the date of birth, where I live, couple of my photographs on the Net, but who doesn't have a name or a face?.

Sapienti Sat

Greeting to all participants at Phorum.gr.



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