Τρίτη 21 Ιουλίου 2009

When an all night vigil becomes a cultural event...

The following is a direct reply from The Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA) by Georgia Maratheftis, to the Philip Christopher, PSEKA “MESSAGE ON THE 35TH YEAR OF THE INVASION AND OCCUPATION OF CYPRUS.” Georgia's reply is directly below followed by the message from Philip Christopher.

Hello Mr. Christopher,

Generally, this announcement by PSEKA has much better use of language than in the past - not quite so anemic. However, I take issue with the description of any vigil or demonstration, let alone one scheduled to run for 18 hours (as will be occurring in Washington DC this year), as a 'cultural event' - the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo did not undertake a cultural event every Thursday for thirty years seeking the remains of their missing children and neither are the participants in the July 19-20 vigil in DC who are demanding the return of the missing Greek Cypriots resulting from the Turkish invasion.

It in no way equates to a poetry reading, a bouzouki recital or the murmuring of a prayer at the feet of a Baba - which are clearly community actions / cultural events that one could organize/undertake for ANY REASON. Hardly any effort needed at all really to commemorate the loss of so much, by so many, for so long.

Georgia Maratheftis


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