Τετάρτη 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2009


Μετά απο τα τελευταία νέα απο τα Σκόπια για τον εγκλεισμό του… ανύπαρκτου ως εχτές, Φιλέλληνα Βασίλ Γκλιγκόρωφ σε ψυχιατρική κλινική, ας επαναφέρουμε στο φως μια παλαιότερη αλλα εξαιρετικά ενδιαφέρουσα υπόθεση.

Απο το

Αν αναρωτιέστε τι λένε οι κύριοι, ας αφήσουμε τον ίδιο τον Βασίλ Γκλιγκόρωφ να μας εξηγήσει και ο καθένας ας βγάλει τα συμπεράσματα του. Το παρακάτω το βρήκαμε στο φόρουμ του Macedoniaontheweb και σας το παρουσιάζουμε.

User Vasiliye wrote:

The Media Crucifiction of Nikolas Konstantinidis (”Kolyo the Diamond”)

FYROMian media reported several of weeks ago about the gathering of the former NLA veterans in the village of Raduša.The outstanding guest was a tall, stout men who represented himself as a Greek-Canadian journalist, who greeted the members of DPA party on a gathering which promoted a monumental cenotaph to the fallen warriors of the 2001 war.The journalist kissed the Albanian flag, spoke few phrases in Albanian and saluted the state of Ilirida.

Soon after that, according to the several media houses, certain people from the town of Resen called in, claiming that the journalist in question was resident of their place, Nikola, nicknamed “Kolyo the Diamond”.And than the libelous campaign against this man begun……..

First, Moslem-owned A1 Skoplye TV station send its crew in Resen, where they interviewed people who “knew” Nikolas.

First they interviewed a local priest (shame on him) who claimed that the man was sick (čovekot e bolen).After that, they interviewed an “accidental” bypasser, which claimed that “Kolyo is a little bit schizophrenic”.During the entire report, Konstantinidis was recorded on video casually walking through the town’s street, but no attempt was made by the crew to interview him.The A1 report concluded that this was a major embarrassment for the leaders of the Albanian DPA party, because they received a “mentally ill” person as a guest of honor at their gathering.

Prior to the second sighting of “Kolyo the Diamond” at a plaza in Ohrid, several days later, during a multi-party conference on Ohrid Framework agreement where he enjoyed cozy relationship with the Albanian lidership, the media called him by the name of “Nikola Mihaylovski”.But it was evident,when the crew approached him that he wore a pass with the name “Nikolas Konstantinidis” journalist of the Canadian journal “Patridas”.Nikolas spoke in Greek that the „Great Albanian symbolism expressed itself through the struggle of NLA of Ilirida and the occupation forces of the Slavomacedonians.That struggle was for the establishments of rights of the Albanian people which lives in the little state of Skopje and for us, the Greeks of Pelagonia”.

After that, the media reported that, indeed, he changed his name and that he is indeed a journalist of the Canadian media “Patridas”.Yet, they continued for the next several day to characterize Konstantinidis as mentally ill, danger to the others and a traitor.

Stalinistic practice at its best………………..

Είπατε τίποτα????? Σας θύμισαν κάτι όλα αυτά????? “Πνευματικά Άρρωστος”, “Σχιζοφρενής”, “Προδότης“… που τα έχουμε ξανακούσει όλα αυτά????

Ξαναδιαβάστε καλά το προχτεσινό post του καλού μας φίλου του Jason και…ο Νοών Νοείτω!!

By Giannis


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