Τρίτη 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2008


NEW YORK—The Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA) has been informed by founding member of CANA , and selfless activist and proud Phil Hellene and Chinese American Foti Makritoxonis recently, that CNN broadcast a TV commercial for FYROM in its December 28, 2008 evening broadcast displaying what is perceived to be an artistic rendition of the STAR OF VERGINA. The TV commercial on CNN is apparently for FYROM or Slav-Vardarska. The commercial is titled “Macedonia Timeless by Milco Mancevski “and can be viewed in this you tube link:


This current offensive CNN TV commercial follows on the heels of the spectacularly successful letter writing to STOP THE “MACEDONIAN” VISA CARD initiative by the combined efforts of Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA) and , Hellenic League of America which was originally informed of the STAR OF VERGINA VISA Card issued for the Washington DC-based lobby UMD United Macedonian Diaspora , by activist Pantelis Kontos in New Jersey, who was made aware of this by the patriotic and informative public internet message board “MACEDONIA ON THE WEB” In turn, the main core of activists for CANA and Hellenic League of America sprung immediately into action to save Macedonian Hellenism. Foti Makritoxonis designed the “STOP THE ANTI-HELLENIC HATE! STOP THE ANTI-HELLENIC LOBBY!” campaign graphics and weblog:

the letter writing ACTION ALERTS and SPECIAL REPORTS were written by Nikolaos Taneris, and Ioannis Fidanakis and then sent out to the thousands of members of the CANA E-list.


Basically , the initiative by the activist team of Foti Makritoxonis, Georgia Maratheftis, Pantelis Kontos, Sevasti Boutos , John Soudas, Nikolaos Taneris, and Ioannis Fidanakis and the amazing Network of journalists, writers, and bloggers and CANA E-list members created a thus far unprecedented letter campaign of support that included an official letter of Thank You from AHEPA to CANA, and a letter to the CEO of VISA, Mr Joseph Saunders co-written by Hellenic Congressional Caucaus co-Chairs US Congressional Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-Fla) and US Congressional Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) (Please see the CANA website for all original documents)

The Voice of America News in Greek transmitted the story of our letter writing campaign to save the STAR OF VERGINA,

WE thank Γιώργος Μπίστης George Bistis the Washington DC VOA correspondent, and we also thank the editors of New York local newspaper, THE QUEENS GAZETTE that got our letter writing campaign into print AND SYNDICATION, and that includes a news brief in the super high circulation of USA TODAY.


The use of all facets of the internet, smart letter writing and coordinated media savvy grass-roots activism makes us “an unprecedented Hellenic-American organization” according the respected writer and life-long activist for the Cyprus Cause, Michaelis Stylianou , in TO PARON:


The reason why there is such a “buzz” about us, the reason why the Turkish and Slav-Vardaskan press attacks us and warns about us, the reason why so many grass-roots Hellenic-Americans and Phil Hellenes respond to our action alerts, and the reason why many of the most respected journalists and writers in the Hellenic world write so respectfully of us is because we are the real deal. We are not ‘ system players’ out to network the cocktail circuit in the prism of business first, church and diplomatic corps, unlike like so many large “established” well-heeled groups who have let down Hellenism for so many decades. Our Network is for Hellenic Pride World Wide. We are Hellene and Phil Hellene πατριώτες (Patriots)


All Hellenes and Phil Hellenes are encouraged to turn their backs on the “sell-outs” and come to us. Not only do we struggle against the enemy without, we also do not shirk away from pointing out those within the Hellenic-American community who support our enemy, who support false historical revisionism and appeasement to the illegal occupiers and Anti-Hellenism.

Our movement that was started by the small numerical core of Nikolaos Taneris, Sevasti Boutos, John Soudas, Georgia Maratheftis, Ioannis Fidanakis, Pantelis Kontos and Foti Makritoxonis successfully stopped the VISA card with the STAR OF VERGINA.


The VISA Credit Card Affinity Partners INC. capitulated and offered us a public statement because of the pressure of letters and the very real plan we had to Protest the offices of VISA Credit Card Affinity Program in New York if no public statement was issued. The original letter can be found on Ioannis Fidanakis’ weblog:



We are the only Hellenic-American organization that can and does organize demonstrations in America TODAY. No other organization can achieve this or can do this, and we challenge them to do so, EVERY YEAR we will Protest the Turkish Embassy on July 20th until the Turks pay for their Crimes and leave the Great Island of Cyprus forever. We challenge any Cyprus organizations in America to do so, or to dissolve, throw out their outdated and uninspiring “leadership” and join us.

For the record, Hellenic League of America was incorporated by with the assistance of Georgia Maratheftis, and was designed by visionary Nikolaos Taneris with the assistance of Ioannis Fidanakis, who is the current coordinator of Hellenic League of America. The core executive members of Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA) are as follows Nikolaos Taneris, Sevasti Boutos, John Soudas, Georgia Maratheftis, Ioannis Fidanakis, Pantelis Kontos and Foti Makritoxonis and are interchangeable with Hellenic League of America.

Even though we achieved this victory over the “MACEDONIAN” VISA CARD, our enemies continue their relentless campaign of false historical revisionism and barbaric territorial aggression, the CNN TV commercial is the just recent example of Slav-Vardaskan assertiveness and flexing of muscle, the Turkish lobby ATAA is this month promoting a false historical revisionism movie about 1960s Cyprus, and this holiday season also hosted a “Macedonian and Turkish Mixer” at the Turkish Embassy.

We will continue to monitor, recruit and when necessary mobilize to fight back with radical action.

As a true grass-roots organization we value your complaints, advice, feedback or praise and can be reached by Email: CANA@cyprusactionnetwork.org

Join us, and support us, and stand up for Hellenic Human Rights.

Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA)

2578 Broadway #132

New York, NY 10025

New York: Tel. 917-699-9935

Email: cana@cyprusactionnetwork.org


The Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA) is a grass-roots, not-for-profit movement created to support genuine self-determination and human rights for the people of Cyprus.

To be added to CANA's Action Alert e-mail distribution list, or to introduce CANA to a friend or colleague, please forward the pertinent name and e-mail address, with the subject heading "Add e-mail to CANA distribution list", to cana@cyprusactionnetwork.org

You are encouraged to forward this action alert to five or more individuals who may have an interest in our e-distributions or in CANA’s mission.

You may post any CANA article, press release or action alert on the internet as long as you credit CANA and the author(s).

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