Κυριακή 23 Νοεμβρίου 2008

Σκοπιανός στην εθνική Ελλάδας.

Απίστευτο και όμως αληθινό.

Η αβάσταχτη προχειρότητα και ανευθυνότητα των αρμοδίων της ΕΠΟ ξεπέρασε κάθε όριο με την κλήση στην Εθνική ομάδα νέων ενός ποδοσφαιριστή σκοπιανής καταγωγής!

Η χθεσινή ανακοίνωση των κλήσεων του Αλέξη Αλεξίου για τους δύο φιλικούς αγώνες προετοιμασίας με την Προοδευτική και τον Εθνικό Αστέρα (25-26/11), περιελάμβανε και το όνομα Ρόμπερτ Σταμπολζίεφ.

Πρόκειται για 18χρονο Αυστραλοσκοπιανό κάτοχο ελληνικού διαβατηρίου(!) που αγωνίζεται στην ομάδα νέων της Μπρίστολ Σίτι.

Κι αν η κλήση του συγκεκριμένου ποδοσφαιριστή, έστω και για φιλικά παιχνίδια προκαλεί δυσάρεστη έκπληξη, ερωτηματικά προκαλεί και ο τρόπος επιλογής ενός ποδοσφαιριστή παντελώς αγνώστου, καθώς η κλήση του έγινε με τις ευλογίες της ΕΠΟ, όταν ο ποδοσφαιριστής με τον πατέρα του φέρονται να πλησίασαν την ομοσπονδία ζητώντας να δοκιμαστεί στις Εθνικές ομάδες!

Ο Σταμπολζίεφ έχει μεγαλώσει στη Μελβούρνη και η ένταξή του στη Μπρίστολ Σίτι αποτέλεσε θέμα συζήτησης της σκοπιανής κοινότητας στην Αυστραλία. Σε σκοπιανή ιστοσελίδα μάλιστα, φιλοξενήθηκαν δηλώσεις του με τον Σταμπολζίεφ να αναφέρεται μεταξύ άλλων στα ινδάλματά του: "Εχω μεγαλώσει με τους γονείς μου να μου λένε για τους μεγάλους εθνικούς μας ήρωες, όπως τον... Μέγα Αλέξανδρο, τον Τσάρο Σαμουήλ και τον Ντάρκο Πάντσεφ"!

o Robert συστήνεται ως εξής:

"Hi my name is Robert , I'm an aussie my background is Macedonian. Live in the Uk, i play football for Bristol City. I am a Liverpool fan Come on U Reds! Favourite sport is Football. Aussie Rules team is Collingwood go pies!! Im 17, used to go Smc dont go school too smart already in Uni( "yeah good Joke"). Mates are Matt sprint champ( though i can take him)Jake smith nxt BBALL star "so he claims" and so many more but no time to mention(BUT really thats it). If anyones wants a chat add me on

Next_Luis_Garcia@hotmail.com "

Robert Stambolziev, an Australian born football player of Macedonian heritage who is currently playing for the Bristol City Academy and Reserves, is definitely a name to remember by the Macedonian football fans.Robert Stambolziev is an Australian football player of Macedonian heritage.

His father was born and lived in Bitola and his uncle Dime (Jimmy) Stambolziev played for Pelister football club.Rob is 17 years old and is playing with the Bristol City Academy and has been called up to play for the Reserves where he made numerous appearances and scored. At the age of 14, he travelled to Britain on his own and had trials at a number of clubs including Reading in the English Premier League. With Bristol City he trained with the under 18s and impressed them enough to earn a two year contract. So far he managed to score 10 goals this season in 18 starts and has been playing predominately on the left side of midfield or striker. Stambolsiev has been described by his coach John Clayton as "quick, with two good feet, although he is predominately left footed and has a nose for goal”.

Recently Robert took part in Skills School on Soccer AM. During the segment he produced three football skills/tricks and was successful in being proclaimed Bristol City’s brightest academy prospect.On 16 January 2008, Robert Stambolziev was described as "City’s very own Wizard of OZ" by the English media as he shot the club into the last 16 of the FA Youth Cup against Leeds United. In the game he scored twice including a last gasp winner to earn a home tie against Manchester City.

MacedonianFootball.com contacted him and we were more than happy after he told us:

"Growing up in Melbourne, Australia I played for Preston Makedonia and I always aspired to one day play for Macedonia rather than Australia. My parents have always instilled in me a sense of pride for my Macedonian heritage and knowledge in our Macedonian hero’s such as Alexander the Great, Tsar Samuil. Goce Delchev, Darko Pancev and Goran Pandev"So, Macedonian football coaches, what are you waiting for? Borce Hristov (U17), Zikica Tasevski (U19) or Mirsad Jonuz (U21 Macedonian national team coach), should very soon get this boy a Macedonian passport and include him on their squad lists!http://macedonianfootball.com/20080211346/News/Robert-Stambolziev-a-name-to-remember.html


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