Τετάρτη 22 Οκτωβρίου 2008

4k world map

Στην σελίδα 4k world map

παρουσιάζονται τα Σκόπια ως "Μακεδονία"

και η κατεχόμενη Κύπρος ως "Βόρεια Κύπρος"

Οι κύριοι παρότι ασχολούνται με χάρτες δεν γνωρίζουν καλή γεωγραφία

οπότε είναι μιας πρώτης τάξεως ευκαιρία να τους ενημερώσουμε

πως δεν υπάρχει κράτος με το όνομα "ΜΑCEDONIA"και πως δεν υπάρχει περιοχή με την ονομασία "Northern Cyprus" αλλά η σωστή ονομασία είναι "Οccupied territory of the Republic of Cyprus"

Τα μηνύματα σας μπορείτε να τα στέλνετε εδώ

* ευχαριστούμε τον Stergio για την βοήθεια


1 σχόλιο:

  1. Έστειλα στο αμερικανικό http://4kworldmap.com/contactus.aspx (μπορείτε εναλλακτικά & στο info@4kworldmap.com)με θέμα http://4kworldmap.com/DownloadCenter.aspx?CategoryID=27 την ακόλουθη επιστολή:
    Dear Sir or Madam,
    I would like to draw your attention to the fact that on page 28 of Download Center Country Maps >> All part of your website you present in the map of the Republic of Cyprus the Οccupied territory of the Republic of Cyprus as Northern Cyprus giving the impression that the occupied territory is an autonomous state.

    For your information the region given as Northern Cyprus is not a legal entity therefore does not exist. This part of Cyprus, recognized by no other country in the world except for Turkey as an autonomous country, remains under illegal occupation after its invasion by Turkish troops in 1974 (please refer to United Nations' resolutions 353/ 1974 - 995/1995 concerning this matter)

    Also the country presented on page 20 of Download Center Country Maps >> All part of your website as Macedonia, is the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia/FYROM, recognized with this name by the official resolutions of both United Nations and the European Union.
    Macedonia is the Greek province and domain of ancient Macedon situated at northern Greece, and your current presentation of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia under the same name, leads to confusion and nasty misconceptions.

    I sincerely hope you will correct the mentioned pages, in favour of accuracy and clarity.


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