Δευτέρα 28 Ιουλίου 2008

Ελληνικής καταγωγής βουλευτής κατά της αναγνώρισης της γενοκτονίας των Ποντίων

Πρόσφατα έγινε ψηφοφορία στη Σουηδική βουλή για το θέμα της αναγνώρισης της γενοκτονίας των Ποντίων. Ο ελληνικής καταγωγής σοσιαλ-δημοκράτης βουλευτής Νίκος Παπαδόπουλος ψήφισε κατά της αναγνώρισης .

Ενδεχομένως η ψήφος του δεν επηρέασε αριθμητικά την όλη ψηφοφορία αφού ούτως ή άλλως απερρίφθη η αναγνώριση, αλλά φαντάζομαι τα off-the-record σχόλια των σουηδών, του στυλ "αφού το απορρίπτει και ο έλληνας μάλλον παραμύθι είναι η όλη ιστορία, άρα έχουν δίκιο οι τούρκοι".

Όταν τα ποντιακά σωματεία της Σουηδίας ζήτησαν εξηγήσεις από τον Ν. Παπαδόπουλο, αυτός είπε ότι κατά λάθος πάτησε το κουμπί του "όχι" .
Να τον χαίρεται ο Πρόεδρος των διεθνών σοσιαλιστών κ. Παπανδρέου και όλοι μας σαν ομογενή.

Εδώ όλο το κείμενο:


No recognition of the Genocide of the Swedish Parliament

Thursday, June 13, 2008 was the day for the voting in Swedish Parliament for the recognition of the Genocide of the Christian minorities by the Ottoman Turkey,

Unfortunately we already knew before the voting that the proposal to the Parliament by the Committee of Foreign Affairs was to reject the motion and the members of Parliament voted on that proposal. The result was 245 members voting for rejection, 37 members voted against rejection and 66 members were absent. Our association would like to thank all members of parliament that have been involved in this issue and stands behind recognition of the Genocide. Please click here to read our press release in Swedish, Greek and English!

Nikos Papadopoulos (Social democrat) voted for rejection!

Unfortunately for us Pontian Greeks we suffered another setback except the rejection of the recognition of the Genocide.

The only member of the Swedish Parliament who has is of Greek descent, voted for rejection!

When he was confronted by our board and other Greeks about this issue, he excused himself by saying that he was distracted during the voting pushed the wrong button!

To his defense he noted in the Parliament protocol that he ”intended” to vote against rejection. For the public’s information we would like to point out that the original voting (the pushing of the button) is what counts and a vote cannot be drawn back! The fact that Nikos Papadopoulos noted in the Parliament’s protocol that he voted ”wrong” is also a cheap ”political trick” to safeguard himself for any future reactions.

Evxinos Pontos Stockholm condemn Nikos Papadopoulos action

Evxinos Pontos Stockholm (its board, its Honorary President and its members) strongly condemns Nikos Papadopoulos’ action to vote against the recognition of the Genocide and regards his excuse that he pushed the wrong button cowardly!

It is totally unacceptable that a person with Greek descent not to openly take a position in such an important issue, or at least participate in the Parliament debate about it (which he didn’t do either since he wasn’t even present!). The least he can do is to apologize, first and foremost, to all Pontians but also to all Assyrians, Syrians, Armenians and Chaldeans for his action.

Our association wants to point out that we are opposed to Nikos Papadopoulos standpoint and wants to assure our members and friends that we will do everything in our power and in the frames of democracy to enlighten the public about his action in the Swedish Parliament on Thursday, June 12, 2008.

Until today we have informed in to the last detail our Pontian European Union (OSEPE) and the President Mr. Parharidis of the Pontian Union of Greece (POE). We have also informed individual Greek journalists about this issue. We are going to continue to inform all Pontian organizations throughout the world and all political parties in Sweden and Greece.

We hope that Nikos Papadopoulos understands that his standpoint in this important and delicate issue is wrong and that he, in future motions and voting, will stand behind us because we Pontians demand that the Swedish Parliament recognizes the Genocide of all Christian minorities by the Ottoman Turkey!

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